为什么格林认为勇士队夺得 NBA 总冠军的机会“很小”

为什么格林认为勇士队夺得 NBA 总冠军的机会“很小” 最初出现在 NBC体育湾区

尽管勇士队在过去两个 NBA 赛季中遇到了很多困难,但德雷蒙德·格林相信球队仍然有潜力再次赢得总冠军。

采访 NBA 前锋丹尼·格林 “德雷蒙德·格林秀” 这位金州勇士队老将表示,他完全有信心球队能够在休赛期组建出一支有竞争力的球队。

“我认为我们必须做出一些决定,我相信我们的管理层和教练组会做出正确的决定,但我认为我们仍然有一小段时间来实现这一目标,”格林说。“我知道这个组织会尊重斯蒂芬 [Curry] 还有我和克莱 [Thompson}. I know they’ll honor us in that way by giving us every chance they can to help us win.”

Since defeating the Boston Celtics in the 2022 NBA Finals, the Warriors have struggled to regain their championship form, bowing out in the second round of the 2023 playoffs and getting eliminated by the Sacramento Kings in the 2024 play-in tournament. Injuries, suspensions and all-around poor play have derailed the team during that time, and now serious roster decisions are to be made.

Thompson is due to hit free agency this summer, and there are questions surrounding Kevon Looney’s contract situation. Keeping the Golden State core of Thompson, Curry and Green would be a great outcome, but tricky given the franchise’s current payroll. With the new NBA salary-cap rules, it becomes prohibitively expensive for teams to stay above the luxury tax threshold for an extended period. The penalties for big spenders like the Warriors would make it even more difficult to construct a championship roster.

Still, with the continued development of young stars like Jonathan Kuminga, Trayce Jackson-Davis and Brandin Podziemski, along with the championship core of Curry, Thompson and Green, Golden State has the potential to become a contender again. However, the road to the championship in the loaded Western Conference will be as challenging as ever.

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#为什么格林认为勇士队夺得 #NBA #总冠军的机会很小
2024-06-11 00:15:00

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