爱荷华州总统民意调查可能对拜登连任发出警告——但现在还为时过早——直播 | 2024 年美国大选


唐纳德·特朗普 领先很多 乔·拜登 在爱荷华州,根据 一项调查 权威民意调查机构进行的 安·塞尔泽 为《得梅因纪事报》和 Mediacom 撰稿。

民意调查发现,接受调查的爱荷华州选民中,有 50% 表示将投票给特朗普,而 32% 表示将支持拜登。这并不令人意外,因为爱荷华州 变得越来越共和党 在最近的周期中。


特朗普在爱荷华州领先 18 个百分点可能意味着拜登在中西部其他地区的支持率将大幅下降,但有一个很大的警告:我们距离 11 月的选举还有很长的路要走,虽然塞尔泽被认为是鹰眼州最好的民意调查专家,但选民的情绪还有足够的时间来改变。

Are the voters who could matter most in determining the November election souring on Donald Trump over his felony convictions? A newly released poll showed a drop off in support for Trump among independents, who may prove crucial in tipping a race that other polls indicate is currently too close to call. However, the same survey shows a sizable segment of voters wondering whether Trump’s conviction was politically motivated, while a poll of Iowa indicates the former president has an 18-point lead in the red state, which could be a sign of low support for Biden elsewhere in the midwest. The big caveat with all these polls is that it’s still early, and lots could change between now and the 5 November election.


Here’s what else has happened so far today:



  • The Biden campaign is spending big to remind voters of Trump’s felony conviction ahead of next week’s presidential debate.

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  • Tim Scott, the Republican senator and potential vice-presidential pick for Trump, said he stood behind his decision to certify Biden’s 2020 election win.

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  • The Mountain Valley Pipeline is in operation, after overcoming years of protests and lawsuits by activists concerned about the natural gas conduit’s effect on the climate and environment.

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Donald Trump has a big lead over Joe Biden in Iowa, according to a survey of the state conducted by authoritative pollster Ann Selzer for The Des Moines Register and Mediacom.


Fifty percent of Iowa voters who responded to the survey say they will vote for Trump, against 32% who say they’ll support Biden, the poll finds, which is not much of a surprise, since Iowa has become increasingly Republican in recent cycles.


The former president’s big lead could nonetheless be a bad sign for Biden’s support in other midwestern states he must win in order to secure a second term. While Iowa is not considered a swing state, there has in the past been some correlation between Trump’s lead there, and his support in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan – all states that Biden is targeting to win.


Trump’s 18-point lead in Iowa could signal a significant loss in support for Biden elsewhere in the midwest, but there is a big caveat: we are still a ways away from the November election, and though Selzer is considered the best pollster in the Hawkeye state, there’s plenty of time for voters’ sentiments to change.

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In 10 days, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will hold the first of two scheduled debates at > studios in Atlanta. Ahead of their 27 June encounter, the president’s re-election campaign announced it will be spending $50m on television advertisements to remind voters that the former president is now a convicted felon.


“Trump approaches the first debate as a convicted felon who continues to prove that he will do anything and harm anyone if it means more power and vengeance for Donald Trump. That’s why he was convicted, that’s why he encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol on January 6, and it’s why his entire campaign is an exercise in revenge and retribution; because that man is blind to the people a president should be serving and will do absolutely anything for his own personal gain and for his own power,” said Michael Tyler, the Biden-Harris campaign’s communications director.


The ad is called “Character Matters”, and you can see it here:


The campaign is also spending money this month on ads targeted at Black, Asian and Hispanic voters, which talk about subjects like the Affordable Care Act, and the Biden administration’s attempts to fight inflation.

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If there is good news for Donald Trump in the Politico Magazine and Ipsos poll released this morning, it’s that many voters have questions over the fairness of his felony conviction.


Trump and his surrogates have insisted that his prosecution in New York City on 34 business fraud charges was a “witch hunt” orchestrated by Democrats and, in particular, Joe Biden. In fact, the charges were brought by Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney who is indeed a Democrat, but there is no evidence that he was doing the party’s bidding, or that the White House, which does not have the power to direct local prosecutors, was involved.


Nonetheless, the survey shows signs those arguments may have broken through with some voters. While a 46% plurality said they thought the verdict was “fair and impartial”, 32% disagreed, while 19% said they did not know – a group that Trump could perhaps sway.


The perception that Biden was “directly involved” in bringing the case was also common among survey respondents, with 29% saying yes, and 25% saying they did not know. Both results indicate that there could be some upside potential for Trump, as he continues to proclaim his innocence of the charges.

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Good morning, US politics blog readers. From the Access Hollywood tape to January 6, Donald Trump has repeatedly been associated with the sorts of scandals that would have sunk other politicians’ careers, but did not stop his rise to the White House, nor his once again becoming the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee this year. Yet the evidence continues to mount that the title “convicted felon”, which he gained after a New York City jury found him guilty of 34 business fraud charges in May, may make a difference with the sorts of voters expected to decide his November election rematch against Joe Biden. Politico Magazine and Ipsos today released a survey showing that 21% of independents were less likely to vote for Trump because of his conviction, while a mere 5% said it made them more likely to support him.


Recent polls of swing states have showed a neck-and-neck contest between the current and former president. While plenty can change between now and November, the poll’s findings raise the possibility that the election could come down to how small groups of voters swing. Independents are one such group, and if they continue to be turned off by his criminal conviction, it could give Biden the edge.


Here’s what else is going on today:



  • Biden holds a White House meeting with Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg at 3.30pm. Expect lots of talk about Ukraine and Russia.

  • n

  • The first presidential debate is in 10 days, and the Biden campaign is targeting Trump with a $50m barrage of ads over his felony conviction, to be aired in the days leading up to their parlay.

  • n

  • Trump continues to hype up his pick for vice-president, though he has yet to announce a decision. Ohio senator JD Vance, New York congresswoman Elise Stefanik, South Carolina senator Tim Scott and North Dakota governor Doug Burgum are said to be in the mix, with an announcement likely closer to the Republican national convention next month.

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那些可能决定 11 月大选结果的选民是否对 唐纳德·特朗普 他的重罪判决? 最新公布的民意调查 调查显示,独立人士对特朗普的支持率有所下降,而独立人士可能成为决定胜负的关键因素,其他民调显示,目前这场竞选结果难分胜负。然而,同一项调查显示, 相当一部分选民 怀疑特朗普被定罪是否出于政治动机,同时 爱荷华州的一项民意调查 这表明前总统在红州领先 18 个百分点,这可能表明拜登在中西部其他地区的支持率较低。所有这些民意调查的最大警告是现在还为时过早,从现在到 11 月 5 日的选举之间,很多事情都可能发生变化。


  • 拜登 活动 花费巨大 在下周的总统辩论之前提醒选民特朗普的重罪判决。

  • 蒂姆·斯科特共和党参议员、特朗普的潜在副总统人选, 他坚持认证拜登 2020 年大选胜利的决定。

  • 山谷管道 正在运行经过多年的抗议和诉讼,该项目终于获得了成功,因为活动人士担心天然气管道对气候和环境的影响。


拜登正在考虑是否对其定罪提出上诉,并定于 9 月接受联邦税务指控的审判。



唐纳德·特朗普 领先很多 乔·拜登 在爱荷华州,根据 一项调查 权威民意调查机构进行的 安·塞尔泽 为《得梅因纪事报》和 Mediacom 撰稿。

民意调查发现,接受调查的爱荷华州选民中,有 50% 表示将投票给特朗普,而 32% 表示将支持拜登。这并不令人意外,因为爱荷华州 变得越来越共和党 在最近的周期中。


特朗普在爱荷华州领先 18 个百分点可能意味着拜登在中西部其他地区的支持率将大幅下降,但有一个很大的警告:我们距离 11 月的选举还有很长的路要走,虽然塞尔泽被认为是鹰眼州最好的民意调查专家,但选民的情绪还有足够的时间来改变。


好莱坞一些最耀眼的明星为总统举办了一场盛大的筹款活动 乔·拜登,帮助他的连任竞选团队筹集到创纪录的 3000 多万美元,并希望为 11 月的选举激励潜在支持者,他们认为这是美国历史上最重要的选举之一。

乔治·克鲁尼、朱莉娅·罗伯茨和芭芭拉·史翠珊等明星于周六晚登上洛杉矶 7,100 个座位的孔雀剧院的舞台。深夜节目主持人吉米·坎摩尔采访了拜登和前总统巴拉克·奥巴马,他们都强调必须击败前总统 唐纳德·特朗普 预计这场竞选将会极其激烈。


越来越多的娱乐界名流纷纷为拜登的竞选提供帮助,从这位民主党总统决定连夜飞越九个时区,从意大利南部的 G7 峰会飞到南加州参加峰会,可以看出这次活动对他竞选连任的重要性。

西弗吉尼亚州共和党参议员 Shelley Moore Capito 宣布,备受争议的山谷输油管道正式投入使用,此举不顾环保人士多年的反对,最终决定启用该管道:


多年来,我一直努力帮助完成这个关键的、创造就业机会的项目,我很高兴 MVP 现已投入使用! pic.twitter.com/kUdTv4yyRr

— 雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(@SenCapito) 2024 年 6 月 14 日

nn“}}” config =“{“renderingTarget”:“Web”,“darkModeAvailable”:“false”,“updateLogoAdPartnerSwitch”:“true”,“assetOrigin”:“https://assets.guim.co.uk/”}”>


多年来,我一直努力帮助完成这个关键的、创造就业机会的项目,我很高兴 MVP 现已投入使用! pic.twitter.com/kUdTv4yyRr

— 雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(@SenCapito) 2024 年 6 月 14 日



上周末,唐纳德·特朗普在底特律举行集会,以巩固黑人选民对他的支持,并攻击乔·拜登的高龄。但正如《卫报》的报道 艾德·皮尔金顿 报道称,这位前总统试图将拜登描绘成年纪太大不适合任职的人,但这只引起了人们对他本人已不再年轻的事实的关注:

唐纳德·特朗普最近几个月一直强调 嘲笑他的对手乔·拜登 这位 81 岁的美国总统患有认知障碍,嘲笑他说话磕巴,并指责他上下楼梯时都会摔倒。


特朗普将于周五迎来 78 岁生日,周六晚,他在一次演讲中再次谈到了这一主题。 底特律密歇根州右翼团体“转折点行动”的一名成员讽刺拜登“根本不知道‘通货膨胀’这个词是什么意思”,并向他在 2024 年大选中的对手发起挑战,让他像在白宫时一样参加认知测试。

特朗普告诉观众,他已经“取得胜利” 认知测试 他听从了当时总统医生的建议,这位共和党国会议员名叫罗尼·约翰逊。他问人群:“有人听说过德克萨斯州的国会议员罗尼·约翰逊吗?”


蒂姆·斯科特 (Tim Scott)(右)祝贺唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump)(左)一月份在新罕布什尔州初选中获胜。 照片:Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images


四年前,斯科特投票支持 乔·拜登尽管特朗普在竞选中鼓励他的共和党盟友阻止民主党人入主白宫,但特朗普的胜利并没有阻止他。今天,斯科特 告诉 ABC 新闻 他对于自己的所作所为并不后悔。





除了宣称自己无罪之外,唐纳德·特朗普最近还花了很多时间来调侃他的竞选搭档人选。以下是《卫报》的报道 雨果·洛厄尔戴维·史密斯 看看我们目前对他的搜索了解的情况:

唐纳德·特朗普正在寻找一名“斗士” 作为他的竞选搭档 据这位美国前总统的亲密消息人士透露,今年的总统大选,女性选民对女性的吸引力很大,她们认为性别、种族等因素无关紧要。

一般常识 用来容纳 特朗普可能会选择一位女性或有色人种作为他的潜在副总统,以扩大他的吸引力。但接近这位共和党候选人的助手目前表示,他不会考虑所谓的身份政治。

相反,特朗普仍在犹豫,他希望选出一位精通媒体、愿意在对抗性电视网络上为他辩护的候选人。“简而言之,”特朗普的一位盟友说,“他想要一个无所不能的人 迈克·彭斯 不是。”

这位前副总统在 2016 年和 2020 年的竞选活动中是一笔宝贵的财富——这位基督教保守派人士巩固了对这位结过三次婚的真人秀明星持怀疑态度的共和党人的支持。但彭斯拒绝遵守特朗普的要求 推翻 2020 年大选 导致了一场争吵,并使彭斯成为 1 月 6 日暴乱者的目标。

特朗普正在寻找“金发姑娘” 竞选伙伴 这次:强大但忠诚,与马加合拍但又不过分排练,上镜但不太可能盖过他。他的选择将与第一位担任副总统的黑人女性卡马拉·哈里斯竞争。



唐纳德·特朗普在纽约市被判犯有 34 项商业欺诈罪,并且在其他地方面临另外三项刑事起诉。

对他来说幸运的是,这些案件要么陷入审前动议和上诉的泥潭,要么无限期暂停审理,不太可能在 11 月大选前得到解决。以下是我们对这位前总统正在处理的所有刑事和民事法律事务的介绍:

昨天是父亲节, 唐纳德·特朗普 抓住这一机会,声称针对他的刑事案件是出于政治动机。

“祝所有人父亲节快乐,包括那些激进的左翼堕落分子,他们正以极其病态和危险的意志,多次试图破坏我们神圣的司法系统,从而迅速将美国变成第三世界国家。”前总统 在 Truth Social 上撰文

拜登竞选团队宣布投入 5000 万美元广告宣传,在首场辩论前抨击特朗普重罪定罪

10天后, 唐纳德·特朗普乔·拜登 将在亚特兰大的 > 演播室举行两场预定辩论中的第一场。在 6 月 27 日的辩论之前,总统的连任竞选团队宣布将花费 5000 万美元投放电视广告,提醒选民这位前总统现在是一名被定罪的重罪犯。

“特朗普在第一次辩论中表现得像一个被定罪的重罪犯,他不断证明,如果这意味着唐纳德·特朗普获得更多权力和复仇,他会做任何事情、伤害任何人。这就是他被定罪的原因,这就是他鼓励暴力暴徒在 1 月 6 日冲击国会大厦的原因,也是他整个竞选活动都是报复和惩罚的原因;因为这个人对总统应该服务的人民​​视而不见,为了个人利益和权力,他会做任何事情,”他说 迈克尔·泰勒拜登-哈里斯竞选团队的通讯主管。




如果有好消息 唐纳德·特朗普 在 Politico 杂志和益普索 轮询 今天早上发布的消息显示,许多选民对他的重罪判决的公正性表示质疑。

特朗普及其代理人坚称,他在纽约市因 34 项商业欺诈指控遭到起诉,是一场由 民主党 尤其是 乔·拜登。事实上,这些指控是由 艾尔文布拉格,这位曼哈顿地区检察官确实是民主党人,但没有证据表明他按照党的指示行事,也没有证据表明白宫参与其中,因为白宫没有权力指挥地方检察官。

尽管如此,调查显示,这些论点可能已经引起了一些选民的关注。虽然 46% 的多数人表示他们认为判决结果“公平公正”,但 32% 的人表示不同意,而 19% 的人表示他们不知道——特朗普或许可以影响这一群体。

调查受访者普遍认为拜登“直接参与”了此案,29% 的人表示是,25% 的人表示不知道。这两个结果都表明,随着特朗普继续宣称自己无罪,他的胜算可能还很大。


早上好,美国政治博客的读者们。来自 走进好莱坞 (Access Hollywood) 录像带1 月 6 日唐纳德·特朗普 特朗普曾多次卷入其他政客职业生涯可能遭遇的丑闻,但这并没有阻止他入主白宫,也没有阻止他再次成为今年共和党的总统候选人。然而,越来越多的证据表明,他在今年 5 月纽约市陪审团裁定他犯有 34 项商业欺诈罪后获得的“重罪犯”头衔,可能会影响到他 11 月大选中将与哪些选民进行复选。 乔·拜登Politico 杂志和益普索 今天发布的一项调查显示,21%的独立人士由于特朗普的定罪而不太可能投票给他,而仅有 5% 的人表示这让他们更有可能支持他。

最近对摇摆州的民意调查显示,现任总统和前任总统之间的竞争势均力敌。虽然从现在到 11 月,很多事情都可能发生变化,但民意调查的结果提出了这样一种可能性,即选举结果可能取决于一小部分选民的摇摆不定。独立选民就是这样一个群体,如果他们继续因拜登的刑事定罪而失去兴趣,那么拜登可能会占上风。


  • 拜登 与北约秘书长在白宫举行会晤 延斯·斯托尔滕贝格 下午 3 点 30 分。预计将会有很多关于乌克兰和俄罗斯的讨论。

  • 第一次总统辩论 还有 10 天,拜登竞选团队将针对特朗普的重罪判决,投入 5000 万美元进行大量广告宣传,这些广告将在竞选前几天播出。

  • 王牌 继续大肆宣传他的副总统人选,尽管他还没有宣布决定。俄亥俄州参议员 JD万斯,纽约州众议员 艾莉丝·斯特凡尼克,南卡罗来纳州参议员 蒂姆·斯科特 和北达科他州 州长 道格·布尔古姆 据称,共和党可能会在下个月的共和党全国代表大会召开前宣布这一消息。

2024-06-17 16:45:13

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