Dana White 感谢 Leon Edwards 没有成为 UFC 300 的头条新闻 – “绝对的种马”

加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆 – UFC 主席是《洛奇》的粉丝。

UFC 300终于找到了重头戏 经过数月无休止的猜测,不幸的是,对于次中量级冠军莱昂·爱德华兹来说,他并没有成为这项标志性赛事的领头羊。 然而,UFC 首席执行官达纳·怀特称赞爱德华兹同意与媒人向他投掷的任何人进行战斗。

“让我这么说:莱昂·爱德华兹,从来没有——莱昂·爱德华兹有过三个对手。 整个事情,”怀特在 UFC 298 赛后新闻发布会上说道。 莱昂·爱德华兹不会对任何人说不。 这孩子绝对是个猛男。 他在 UFC 300 期间让 3 个对手被淘汰,是的,是的。 是的。 他愿意接受任何人。 孩子们绝对是个猛男。 莱昂,非常感谢你的尊重。

听着,这家伙愿意与三个不同的对手作战。 显然,这是为了 终极格斗冠军赛300 所以他们是讨厌的对手。 这家伙不在乎,他会和任何人战斗,怀特继续说道。 想一想,我们打电话,我们正在谈论 UFC 300 [telling Edwards} you’re gonna headline, you’re gonna fight this guy. Then we call back, and say, ‘eh’ you’re going to fight this guy, right? And then a third time, we call and change opponents on him again. It’s just crazy. And this guy could care less. He’s up for the challenge. He’s ready to fight anybody. I love it. Respect it very much.”

When MMAMania.com asked White who the three potential opponents were, he declined to answer.

With Edwards without a date and opponent for now, the question remains when is he going to fight, and who.

The most logical answer is Belal Muhammad, as he had been linked to “Rocky” for the past year. As for the date, International Fight Week might be the reward for the Welterweight champion, especially after making the boss happy by accepting any fight offered.

Edwards is coming off a five-round title defense against Colby Covington.

For complete UFC 298 results, coverage, and highlights, click HERE.

2024-02-18 11:00:00

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