以色列 – 加沙战争直播:以色列研究哈马斯对停火提议的新回应 | 以色列 – 加沙战争





Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Joe Biden will speak later on Thursday, Israel’s Kan public broadcaster reported, citing a diplomatic source.


Netanyahu is due to confer with his own team about proposals from Hamas on a possible ceasefire deal to pause the nearly nine-month war in Gaza.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will on Thursday evening convene a meeting of his security cabinet to discuss proposals from Hamas about a possible ceasefire deal in Gaza, a source in Netanyahu’s office told Reuters.


Before the cabinet meets, Netanyahu will have consultations with his ceasefire negotiations team, the source also said.

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Hello, we are restarting the Guardian’s live coverage of the Israel-Gaza war and the wider crisis in the Middle East.


Israel is studying Hamas’ response to a proposal that would include a hostage release deal and ceasefire in Gaza, according to a statement from Israel’s Mossad spy agency.


“The mediators of the hostage deal have given the negotiating team Hamas’ response to the hostage deal outline. Israel is examining the response and will respond to the mediators,” said a statement released by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, on behalf of the Mossad.


Mediators including Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been trying for months to secure a ceasefire and the release of 120 remaining hostages in Gaza, but their efforts have stalled.


More on that in a moment, first here’s a summary of the day’s other main events.



  • About 90% of the population of the Gaza Strip have been displaced at least once since the war between Israel and Hamas began, according to the UN’s humanitarian agency. Andrea De Domenico, head of the UN’s OCHA agency in the Palestinian territories, said on Wednesday that about 1.9 million people are thought to be displaced in Gaza.

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  • Israeli strikes killed one of Hezbollah’s top commanders in south Lebanon on Wednesday, prompting retaliatory rocket fire by the Iran-backed group into Israel. The Israeli military said it had struck and eliminated Hezbollah’s Mohammed Nasser. Nasser was the one of the most senior Hezbollah commanders to die yet in the conflict, two security sources in Lebanon said.

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  • Israel’s defence minister Yoav Gallant said the country will reach a state of full readiness to take any action required in Lebanon. He said Israel would prefer to reach a negotiated agreement, but if not, the country is prepapred to fight.

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  • Israeli forces killed five Palestinians in two military operations in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian and Israeli sources said on Wednesday. A night-time airstrike killed four men at a refugee camp near the town of Tulkarm, while another man was killed by Israeli fire in a separate Israeli operation in Jenin, the Palestinian health ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. An Israeli military statement said forces “carried out a precise strike on the terrorist cell,” killing four militants.

  • n

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黎巴嫩真主党周四表示,该党向以色列的五个军事阵地发射了 200 多枚火箭弹,以报复该与伊朗结盟的组织一名高级指挥官周三在黎巴嫩南部遭到杀害。



以色列公共广播公司 Kan 援引外交消息人士的话报道,以色列总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡和美国总统乔拜登将于周四晚些时候发表讲话。






大楼内,出生于阿富汗的参议员法蒂玛·佩曼 (Fatima Payman) 宣布,由于拒绝在加沙问题上遵守党派路线,她已退出执政的工党。法蒂玛·佩曼是唯一一位在会议期间佩戴头巾的澳大利亚联邦议员。

工党参议员法蒂玛·佩曼宣布,由于拒绝在加沙问题上遵守党的路线,她已退出执政的工党。 摄影:Lukas Coch/AP


自 5 月初以色列入侵加沙南部城市拉法以来,双方交火愈演愈烈。当时正值炎热干燥的野火季节开始。

据以色列自然与公园管理局称,自五月以来,真主党的袭击已导致以色列北部 8,700 公顷(约 21,500 英亩)土地被烧毁。

巴拉曼德大学土地和自然资源项目的乔治·米特里说,在黎巴嫩南部,约有 4,000 公顷(10,000 英亩)的土地因以色列的袭击而被烧毁。他说,在之前的两年里,黎巴嫩每年被烧毁的总面积为 500 至 600 公顷(1,200 至 1,500 英亩)。

2024 年 6 月 12 日星期三,以色列国旗在以色列北部萨法德靠近黎巴嫩边境的地区燃烧的火焰旁边飘扬。 摄影:Léo Corrêa/美联社










包括埃及、卡塔尔和美国在内的调解人数月来一直试图促成停火并释放加沙剩余的 120 名人质,但他们的努力陷入停滞。


  • 自以色列和哈马斯爆发战争以来,加沙地带约 90% 的人口至少流离失所过一次据联合国人道主义事务协调厅称,加沙地带目前有大约 190 万人流离失所。联合国人道协调厅巴勒斯坦地区负责人安德烈亚·德多梅尼科周三表示,加沙地带约有 190 万人流离失所。

  • 周三,以色列的袭击导致黎巴嫩南部真主党一名高级指挥官死亡,促使伊朗支持的组织向以色列发射报复性火箭弹。以色列军方称,他们已经击毙真主党的穆罕默德·纳赛尔。黎巴嫩两名安全消息人士称,纳赛尔是迄今为止在冲突中阵亡的最高级真主党指挥官之一。

  • 以色列国防部长约阿夫·加兰特表示,以色列将做好充分准备,随时准备对黎巴嫩采取任何必要的行动。 他说,以色列希望通过谈判达成协议,但如果不能,以色列就准备发动战争。

  • 以色列军队在占领的约旦河西岸的两次军事行动中杀死了五名巴勒斯坦人巴勒斯坦和以色列消息人士周三表示。巴勒斯坦卫生部周三在一份声明中表示,夜间空袭导致图勒凯尔姆镇附近一处难民营的四名男子丧生,另一名男子在杰宁的另一场以色列行动中被以色列炮火打死。以色列军方声明称,部队“对恐怖分子团伙进行了精确打击”,打死了四名武装分子。


#以色列 #加沙战争直播以色列研究哈马斯对停火提议的新回应 #以色列 #加沙战争
2024-07-04 08:58:28

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