以色列-加沙战争直播:国际法院开始对以色列在加沙的战争作出新的裁决 | 以色列-加沙战争


以下是关于今天将要发生的事情的简短解释和背景 国际法院 (国际法院) 裁决:

国际法院的命令具有法律约束力,但缺乏直接执行机制。该法院在 1 月份的一项临时裁决中并未下令停火,但指示 以色列 尽一切努力防止种族灭绝行为。

南非,该案件后来得到正式支持 以色列和哈马斯 调解人 埃及,认为以色列正在进行的行动 拉法 应该强制 法院发布新的紧急命令。


与此同时,与战争有关的逮捕令正在国际刑事法院(ICC)等待审理,三名 欧洲的 各国表示将正式承认 巴勒斯坦国 周二。

预计国际法院将于周五下午 3 点(欧洲中部夏令时)下达命令。



Israeli forces intensified their strikes on Gaza with heavy fighting reported in Jabalia in the north and tanks pushing further into Rafah in the south.


Medics said at least five Palestinians were killed when houses were hit in Jabalia and more were believed to be trapped under rubble, but that the area could not be reached due to the intensity of the bombardment, according to a report by Reuters.


In the southern city of Rafah residents reported explosions and smoke rising in the distance as tanks advanced further into the eastern district of Jenina.

n Simultaneous Israeli assaults on the northern and southern edges of Gaza this month have caused a new exodus of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fleeing their homes, and have cut off the main access routes for aid, raising the risk of famine.

n Residents in Jabalia said tanks had destroyed the local market and bulldozers continued to raze shops and property. Hamas’s armed wing said its fighters had engaged three tanks there.


Tanks also advanced close to the nearby Kamal Adwan hospital, where medics said Israeli fire had caused the suspension of operations at the last functioning medical facility in northern Gaza Strip.

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Here is a short explainer and background on what to expect today from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling:


The ICJ, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, stopped short of ordering a ceasefire in an interim ruling in January but instructed Israel to do everything possible to prevent genocidal acts.


South Africa, which filed the case later formally supported by Israel-Hamas mediator Egypt, argued the ongoing Israeli operation in Rafah should compel the UN court to issue fresh emergency orders.


The case, which Israel says should be dismissed, could add to mounting international pressure for a truce and hostage release more than seven months into the war.


Meanwhile, arrest warrants related to the war are pending at the international criminal court (ICC), and three European countries said they would formally recognise a Palestinian state on Tuesday.


The ICJ is expected to deliver its order on Friday at 3pm CEST (2pm BST).

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Lorenzo Tondo and Quique Kierszenbaum in Jerusalem have written about sources describing Palestinian inmates being beaten, kept shackled to hospital beds or made to stand for hours:


Prisoners held at an Israeli detention camp in the Negev desert are being subjected to widespread physical and mental abuses, with at least one reported case of a man having his limb amputated as a result of injuries sustained from constant handcuffing, according to two whistleblowers who worked at the site.


The sources described harrowing treatment of detainees at the Israeli Sde Teiman camp, which holds Palestinians from Gaza and suspected Hamas militants, including inmates regularly being kept shackled to hospital beds, blindfolded and forced to wear nappies.


According to the two sources, the facility, located approximately 18 miles from the Gaza border, consists of two distinct sections: an enclosure where up to 200 Palestinian detainees from Gaza are confined under severe physical restrictions inside cages, and a field hospital where dozens of patients with war injuries are handcuffed to their beds and often deprived of pain relief.


One whistleblower, who has worked in the facility as a prison guard, said detainees were forced to stand up for hours, or to sit on their knees. The source, who spoke out at risk of reprisals, said several detainees were beaten with truncheons and not able to move their heads or to speak at the facility.


You can read the full report here:

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Moving briefly away from Gaza and Israel developments, Iran’s military says the helicopter carrying late President Ebrahim Raisi caught fire soon after it crashed into a mountain and there was no sign it was attacked, according to a report from >.


The statement from the general staff of the armed forces in charge of investigating the crash was read on state television late Thursday. The statement did not lay blame for the crash but said more details would come after further investigation.


The crash on Sunday killed Raisi, the foreign minister and six other people. The general staff’s statement said communications with the helicopter contained nothing suspicious, there was no sign of anything shot at it, and its flight path did not change before the crash. Raisi was buried on Thursday.

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More than 200 staff members of EU institutions and agencies have signed a letter expressing “growing concern” over the union’s response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, arguing that it runs contrary to its core values and aim of promoting peace.


The letter, signed by 211 people in their personal capacity as citizens and addressed to the EU’s top three officials, begins by condemning the 7 October attacks “in the strongest terms”.


Citing the January ruling by the international court of justice that suggested a credible risk to Palestinians under the genocide convention, the letter warns that the EU’s “continued apathy to the plight of Palestinians” risks normalising a world order where the sheer use of force, rather than a rule-based system, determines state security, territorial integrity and political independence.


“It was precisely to avert such a grim world order that our grandparents, witnesses of the horrors of World War II, created Europe,” the letter reads. “To stand idly by in the face of such an erosion of the international rule of law would mean failing the European project as envisaged by them. This cannot happen in our name.”


The letter, shared exclusively with the Guardian, was written by a small group of staffers, said Zeno Benetti, one of the organisers.


“We couldn’t believe that our leaders who were so vocal about human rights and who described Europe as the beacon of human rights were suddenly so silent about the crisis unfolding in Gaza,” he said. “It’s like suddenly we were asked to turn a blind eye on our values and on the values that we were allegedly working for. And for us, this was not acceptable.”

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The bodies of three more hostages have been recovered from the northern Gaza Strip overnight, the IDF has said.


Orión Hernández Radoux, 30, Hanan Yablonka, 42, and Michel Nisenbaum, 59, were kidnapped from the Mefalsim area and, according to the Israeli military in comments reported by the Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post, were killed on 7 October. Until recently, there had been no information as to their status and they were believed to be alive.


The Times of Israel says Hernández Radoux, a Mexican-French national, was the boyfriend of Shani Louk, one of the four hostages whose bodies were found in Jabaliya last week. Hernández Radoux and Yablonka were at the Supernova music festival.


The IDF says the bodies of the three hostages were recovered in a joint operation carried out by the military and Shin Bet.

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It’s just past 10am in Gaza and Tel Aviv, welcome to the continuation of our live coverage of the Israel-Gaza war.


Judges at the UN’s top court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), are due to rule on South Africa’s request to order Israel to halt its Rafah offensive and withdraw from Gaza, part of a wider case accusing Israel of genocide.


South Africa’s lawyers asked the court last week to impose emergency measures, and said Israel’s attacks on the southern Gaza city “must be stopped” to ensure the survival of the Palestinian people.


Pretoria has urged the International Court of Justice to order an “immediate” stop to Israel’s campaign and facilitate access of humanitarian aid.


Israel has repeatedly dismissed the accusations of genocide as baseless. It has argued in court that the operations in Gaza are self-defence and targeted at Hamas militants who attacked Israel on 7 October.


Rulings by the ICJ, also known as the world court, are final and binding, but have been ignored in the past. The court has no enforcement powers.


The ICJ’s ruling follows a landmark request by the international criminal court’s (ICC) lead prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for top Israeli and Hamas leaders.


More on that in a moment but first, here’s a summary of the latest developments:



  • Prisoners held at an Israeli detention camp in the Negev desert are being subjected to widespread physical and mental abuses, with at least one reported case of a man having his limb amputated as a result of injuries sustained from constant handcuffing, according to two whistleblowers who worked at the site. Responding to the claims, the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement: “Among the detainees held at the Sde Teiman facility are skilled military operatives at a very high level of danger. Detainees are handcuffed according to their level of risk and their state of health.”

  • n

  • All EU donors have now resumed their support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (Unrwa), said Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, on Thursday. In a social media post, Borrell described Unrwa as “an indispensable lifeline in Gaza and the region”.

  • n

  • The Hostages Families Forum in Israel has released graphic footage of female Israeli soldiers captured by Hamas from a military base during the 7 October attacks. The three-minute video showed the women, all IDF personnel, sitting on the ground, some bruised and bloodied, with their hands tied after their capture from the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel.

  • n

  • Republican US House Speaker Mike Johnson said on Thursday that the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, would soon address a joint meeting of Congress. Delivering a keynote speech at the Israeli embassy’s annual Independence Day reception, Johnson, the top congressional Republican and a critic of the Democratic president’s Israel policy, said it would be “a strong show of support for the Israeli government in their time of greatest need,” Reuters reports.

  • n

  • The CIA director, Williams Burns, will shortly travel to Europe for a meeting with the Mossad director, David Barnea, to try to revive talks on the hostages in Gaza, Axios said on Thursday, citing US and Israeli officials.

  • n

  • At least 35,800 Palestinians have been killed and 80,011 injured in Israel’s military offensive on Gaza since 7 October, the Gaza health ministry said in a statement on Thursday. The Hamas-run health ministry does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants.

  • n

  • Israeli forces killed at least 60 Palestinians in aerial and ground bombardments across the Gaza Strip on Thursday and battled in close combat with Hamas-led militants in areas of the southern city of Rafah, health officials and Hamas media said. Israeli tanks advanced in Rafah’s south-east, edged towards the city’s western district of Yibna and continued to operate in three eastern suburbs, residents said, according to Reuters.

  • n

  • The World Bank says the fiscal situation of the Palestinian Authority, which runs the West Bank, has worsened in the last three months, “significantly raising the risk of a fiscal collapse,” Reuters reports. “The rapidly widening gap between the amount of revenues coming in, and the amount needed to finance essential public expenditure, is driving a fiscal crisis,” it said.

  • n

  • A two-day Israeli raid on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin killed at least 12 Palestinians, health authorities and an Agence France-Presse (><) correspondent reported. The Palestinian health ministry in Ramallah said Israeli forces had killed 12 people including four children, and injured 25 during the fighting which began on Tuesday morning.

  • n

  • Both Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian militant group Hamas condemned the raid. Israel’s army said on Wednesday troops had “exchanged fire with armed men and killed a number of terrorists, including two terrorists who threw explosives at the forces”.

  • n

  • Surgeon Usaeed Jabareen, from Jenin’s Khalil Suleiman government hospital, was among those killed on Tuesday said the official Palestinian news agency Wafa and medical charity Doctors Without Borders. An >< correspondent on Thursday saw five bodies at the hospital morgue, including Jabareen’s.

  • n

  • US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned of the risk of a “humanitarian crisis” if Israel cuts off a crucial financing channel to Palestinian banks. Ahead of a meeting of G7 finance ministers in Stresa in northern Italy, she told reporters: “I’m particularly concerned by Israel’s threats to take action that would lead to Palestinian banks being cut off from their Israeli correspondent banks.”

  • n

  • A United Nations expert called on Israel on Thursday to investigate multiple allegations of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of Palestinian detainees in the wake of the 7 October attack by Hamas. The UN special rapporteur on torture, Alice Jill Edwards, said in a statement she had received reports of some detainees being deprived of sleep, threatened with physical and sexual violence, insulted and exposed to humiliating acts, including “being photographed and filmed in degrading poses”. There was no immediate reaction from the Israeli government or military.

  • n

  • Lebanese schoolchildren on a minibus had a narrow escape on Thursday when a drone strike killed a Hezbollah fighter in the car ahead, blowing out the windscreen of their vehicle and injuring three pupils. The source close to Hezbollah told >< that Israel was behind the strike, which killed a Hezbollah member who was named as Mohammad Ali Nasser Farran.

  • n

  • Later on Thursday, Hezbollah said it had launched dozens of rockets at a base in northern Israel. It said its katyusha barrage was “in response to the assassination carried out by the enemy in Kafardjal, and the injuring and terrorising of children”.

  • n

  • A merchant ship off the coast of Yemen reported a missile hitting the water nearby, the UK’s sea trade monitoring agency reported on Thursday, adding that the vessel and all crew were safe and proceeding to the next port of call.

  • n

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评委们 国际法院 (国际法院) 海牙 刚刚提交,诉讼程序即将开始。我们将在博客中更新关键进展。


西班牙劳工部长 约兰达·迪亚兹本周,她在 X 上发布的一段视频中使用了有争议的口号“从河流到大海,巴勒斯坦将获得自由”,周五她表示,她的这些言论旨在庆祝通过两国解决方案寻求和平的努力。 中东 据路透社报道,她表示,自己反对冲突,并且不是反犹太主义者。

“我不同意仇恨政治,”她在 马德里她补充道:“我想大家明白我在视频中试图解释的意思,这是我们国家迈出的非常重要的一步。”


据路透社报道,西班牙外交部长 何塞·曼努埃尔·阿尔瓦雷斯 周五表示,西班牙正在分析 以色列决定限制西班牙领事馆提供服务的能力 巴勒斯坦人 在里面 西方银行




据路透社报道,一小部分 亲巴勒斯坦示威者 抵达法庭外 海牙挥舞着旗帜,用音箱播放说唱音乐,呼吁免费 巴勒斯坦

您可以在 国际法院 (国际法院) 通过本页顶部的视频直播。


英国警方在牛津大学亲巴勒斯坦学生团体组织的抗议活动中逮捕了 16 人。

泰晤士河谷警方表示,这些人已被逮捕 涉嫌严重非法侵入其中一人还因涉嫌普通攻击罪被拘留。



周四,学生在牛津大学举行抗议,支持加沙巴勒斯坦人。 图片:伊莎贝尔·因凡特斯/路透社




医务人员表示,至少有五名巴勒斯坦人在房屋遭袭时丧生 贾巴利亚 据路透社报道,据信还有更多人被困在废墟下,但由于轰炸强度太大,无法到达该地区。

在南部城市 拉法 当地居民报告称,随着坦克进一步推进至东区,远处传来爆炸声和浓烟。 杰尼娜



坦克也推进到了附近的 卡迈勒阿德万医院医护人员表示,以色列的炮火导致加沙地带北部最后一家仍在运转的医疗机构暂停运营。





昨晚,以色列军队找到了尼森鲍姆、奥里昂·埃尔南德斯·拉杜克斯和哈南·亚布隆卡的遗体,自 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击以来,他们一直下落不明。

我怀着无比悲伤的心情获悉被哈马斯扣为人质的巴西人米歇尔·尼森鲍姆 (Michel Nisembaum) 的死讯。 我见到了他的妹妹和女儿,我知道他的家人对他的巨大爱。 我对米歇尔的家人和朋友表示声援。 巴西将继续战斗,我们将继续参与……

— 卢拉 (@LulaOficial) 2024 年 5 月 24 日

“}}” config=”{“renderingTarget”:”Web”,”darkModeAvailable”:false,”inAdvertisingPartnerABTest”:false,”assetOrigin”:”https://assets.guim.co.uk/”}”>

我怀着无比悲伤的心情获悉被哈马斯扣为人质的巴西人米歇尔·尼森鲍姆 (Michel Nisembaum) 的死讯。 我见到了他的妹妹和女儿,我知道他的家人对他的巨大爱。 我对米歇尔的家人和朋友表示声援。 巴西将继续战斗,我们将继续参与……

— 卢拉 (@LulaOficial) 2024 年 5 月 24 日



在 5 月 6 日以色列加强对加沙边境的军事攻势并从巴勒斯坦一侧夺取了过境点之前,拉法是人道主义救援物资和一些商业物资的主要入境点。自那时起,没有卡车通过过境点。







以下是关于今天将要发生的事情的简短解释和背景 国际法院 (国际法院) 裁决:

国际法院的命令具有法律约束力,但缺乏直接执行机制。该法院在 1 月份的一项临时裁决中并未下令停火,但指示 以色列 尽一切努力防止种族灭绝行为。

南非,该案件后来得到正式支持 以色列和哈马斯 调解人 埃及,认为以色列正在进行的行动 拉法 应该强制 法院发布新的紧急命令。


与此同时,与战争有关的逮捕令正在国际刑事法院(ICC)等待审理,三名 欧洲的 各国表示将正式承认 巴勒斯坦国 周二。

预计国际法院将于周五下午 3 点(欧洲中部夏令时)下达命令。



以色列 部队对 加沙 并于周五在地面与武装分子展开战斗, 据法新社报道,最高法院即将对停止军事进攻的请求作出裁决。

目击者和法新社记者报道称, 加沙城 并向南发出枪声。

该市一户人家发生火灾,造成至少 5 人死亡 达拉吉街区 清洗它, 加沙民防机构 以及一名急诊医生 阿赫利医院 说。

据法新社报道,以色列军方报告称, 贾巴利亚 以及加沙中部持续不断的活动,并表示“部队在北部消灭了数十名恐怖分子”。

星期三,巴勒斯坦儿童站在拉法被以色列空袭摧毁的房屋内。 图片:Hatem Khaled/路透社

一名巴勒斯坦安全部门消息人士告诉法新社,以色列军队与武装分子在贾巴利亚镇及其难民营发生了冲突,另一名消息人士 卡迈勒阿德万医院 称其“已停止服务,里面有14名医务人员被困”。

随着 阿尔阿瓦达据悉,Kamal Adwan 医院是加沙城北部最后两家仍在运营的医院之一,这两家医院均被围困。 世界卫生组织

加沙其他设施也面临医疗用品和发电机燃料严重短缺的问题。 巴勒斯坦 官员。

以色列军方周五在一份声明中表示,其“部队正在继续对恐怖目标采取行动”, 拉法,他们“摧毁了武器储存设施”和隧道竖井。




我们 情报局长 比尔·伯恩斯 预计将举行会谈 巴黎 与代表 以色列 为重启停火谈判 加沙据法新社报道,一位接近该问题的西方消息人士周五表示。

中央情报局局长访问 法语 预计周五或周六,以色列同意恢复释放被关押的以色列人质的谈判。 哈马斯 在加沙地带实施军事行动,以换取停火。

一位接近该问题的西方消息人士周五表示,美国情报负责人比尔伯恩斯预计将在巴黎与以色列代表举行会谈。 图片:伊丽莎白·弗兰茨/路透社

先前的演讲 开罗多哈 由出席 卡塔尔埃及 本月早些时候,以色列和哈马斯的调解人关系破裂,据报道,双方对对方的条件不满意。


纽约时报 表示伯恩斯将会见以色列外长 大卫·巴尼亚以色列的 摩萨德间谍机构

我们-基于 Axios新闻网站 援引消息人士的话说,伯恩斯还将会见卡塔尔首相 谢赫 穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜拉赫曼·阿勒萨尼 以及巴尼亚。

Axios 称,以色列谈判人员最近几天制定了一项重启人质谈判的“新提案”,与上一轮谈判相比,以色列的立场“做出了一些妥协”。 开罗



半岛电视台 报告称,27 个成员国政府 媒体自由联盟致力于捍卫受到威胁的新闻自由的国家伙伴关系组织发表声明,批评半岛电视台在 以色列

据半岛电视台报道,该声明由 澳大利亚比利时加拿大智利捷克共和国丹麦爱沙尼亚芬兰法国德国冰岛爱尔兰意大利日本科索沃立陶宛卢森堡新西兰挪威葡萄牙韩国斯洛文尼亚瑞典瑞士荷兰人, 这 英国我们





以色列总理表示,“半岛电视台将不再从以色列播出”。 本杰明·内塔尼亚胡 在该法通过后,他在X上的一篇帖子中写道。“我打算立即按照新法律采取行动,停止该频道的活动。”

作为回应, 卡塔尔电视台谴责内塔尼亚胡的言论,称其为“危险而荒谬的谎言”,并表示这是总理“持续攻击”媒体网络和新闻自由的借口。该电视台在一份声明中发誓要坚持以“大胆和专业”的态度进行报道。



洛伦佐·汤多基克·凯尔森鲍姆耶路撒冷有 撰写有关描述来源的文章 巴勒斯坦 囚犯遭到殴打、被铐在病床上或被迫站立数小时:

囚犯被关押在 以色列 拘留营 内盖夫沙漠 据两名在该工厂工作的举报人称,工厂工人遭受着广泛的身体和精神虐待,至少有一起案件报告称,一名男子因长期被铐住而受伤,最后被截肢。

消息人士描述了被拘留者在拘留中心遭受的残酷待遇。 以色列斯德泰曼营地巴勒斯坦人 加沙 并怀疑 哈马斯 武装分子,包括经常被铐在医院病床上、蒙住眼睛并被迫穿尿布的囚犯。

据两位消息人士透露, 设施距离加沙边境约 18 英里,由两个不同的部分组成:一个封闭区域,多达 200 名来自加沙的巴勒斯坦被拘留者被关押在笼子里,受到严格的身体限制;另一个是一所野战医院,数十名在战争中受伤的患者被铐在床上,经常被剥夺疼痛缓解的机会。




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