以色列-加沙战争直播:汗尤尼斯再次遭袭,联合国秘书长称“加沙无一处安全” | 以色列-加沙战争

Hello and welcome to the Guardian’s continuing coverage of the Israel-Gaza war and the wider crisis in the Middle East.


Israel has carried out fresh strikes in and around Khan Younis after ordering a mass evacuation of much of the scity. Eight people were killed and more than 30 were wounded, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent and a medical source, reported Agence France-Presse.


The strikes came after a rare rocket barrage on Monday claimed by the militant group Islamic Jihad.


The Israeli military said artillery had “struck the sources of the fire” and that about “20 projectiles were identified crossing from the area of Khan Younis”, most of which were intercepted. It reported no casualties.


The latest news on the ground came after the evacuation order spurred UN secretary general António Guterres to say “no place is safe in Gaza” for Palestinian civilians.


“It’s another stop in this deadly circular movement that the population in Gaza has to undergo on a regular basis,” Guterres said in a statement calling for a ceasefire.


Much of Khan Younis was destroyed in a long assault earlier this year, but large numbers of Palestinians had moved back to escape another Israeli offensive in Gaza’s southernmost city, Rafah.


The order suggests Khan Younis will be the latest target of Israel’s raids into parts of Gaza it had previously invaded in the war, as it pursues regrouping Hamas militants.


As night fell, streams of civilians left on foot alongside a steady flow of vehicles as people began making their way out of the evacuation zone.


More on that in a moment, first here’s a summary of the day’s other main events.



  • The head of the Gaza Strip’s biggest hospital has accused Israel of torturing him and other detainees, after his release following seven months in Israeli prisons and detention facilities. Mohammed Abu Salmiya, the director of al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, was among dozens of Palestinians freed and returned to Gaza on Monday, according to Israeli authorities. The doctor, who had been held by Israel without charge since his arrest at his workplace in November, said he and other prisoners were subjected to “almost daily torture” while in detention in Israel.

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  • The release of Abu Salmiya prompted a political row in Israel, with the country’s most senior officials denying prior knowledge of the move. Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s far-right national security minister, who controls the police and prison service, said the release of Abu Salmiya and others constituted “security negligence” and blamed the defence ministry, which denied responsibility. The opposition leader, Yair Lapid, said Abu Salmiya’s release was another sign of the government’s “lawlessness and dysfunction”.

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  • Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu soon after criticised the release as a “serious mistake”. Netanyahu said he had ordered the Shin Bet intelligence agency to conduct an investigation into the release and provide him with the results by Tuesday. The decision was made “without the knowledge of the political echelon”, he added.

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  • Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence agency said it had decided on the release with the Israeli military “to free up places in detention centres”. The agency said it “opposed the release of terrorists” who had taken part in attacks on Israeli civilians “so it was decided to free several Gaza detainees who represent a lesser danger”.

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  • The Israel Broadcasting Authority has quoted the country’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant, as saying the Israeli army needs 10,000 additional soldiers immediately. According to Al Jazeera, Gallant told the foreign affairs and defence committee that 4,800 of those required can be recruited from Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community, which makes up about 13% of people in Israel.

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  • The Palestinian health authority said a woman and a child were killed by Israeli security forces during a raid into Tulkarm in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Palestinian news agency Wafa named those killed as Muhammad Ali Sarhan, 15, and Nisreen Khaled Damiri, 47.

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  • Yemen’s Houthis said that they conducted four military operations targeting four ships in the Red, Arabian and Mediterranean Seas as well as the Indian Ocean “linked to the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel.” The Guardian was not immediately able to verify the claims.

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哈尼·马哈茂德半岛电视台从代尔巴拉赫发回的报道称,东部地区的居民生活“相当困难”。 汗尤尼斯 在过去的 24 小时内。他写道:

新一轮的强制流离失所潮正将汗尤尼斯东部的居民推向城市中部和西部,包括 al-Mawasi“疏散区”,该地区由于屡遭轰炸而变得非常不安全。由于缺乏燃料,人们现在要么步行数英里,要么用牲畜拉车离开。



25 岁的 Argamani 于 10 月 7 日在 Nova 音乐节上被绑架。6 月初,在一次军事行动后,她被送回以色列。其他三名人质——21 岁的 Almog Meir Jan、27 岁的 Andrey Kozlov 和 40 岁的 Shlomi Ziv——同时获救。

以色列庆祝四名在 Nova 节被劫持的人质在加沙获救 – 视频报道



利奥拉·阿加玛尼 (Liora Argamani) 现年 61 岁。


以下是新闻媒体连夜发来的一些图片 汗尤尼斯 加沙再次遭到以色列的轰炸,据报道,以色列的袭击造成人员伤亡。

以色列军队命令居住在东部地区的巴勒斯坦人立即撤离后,巴勒斯坦人带着他们可以带走的物品离开了加沙欧洲医院周围地区,该医院是加沙为数不多的仍在运营的医院之一。 照片:安纳多卢通讯社/盖蒂图片社
巴勒斯坦人准备离开加沙欧洲医院周边地区。 照片:安纳多卢通讯社/盖蒂图片社
7 月 1 日晚,从加沙地带中部的代尔巴拉赫拍摄到以色列军队在努塞拉特北部发射的照明弹。 图片:Bashar Taleb/法新社/盖蒂图片社

过夜 以色列 证实在加沙地带的行动中又有一名士兵死亡。自地面行动开始以来,官方公布的伤亡人数已达 318 人。

以色列报告称,自 10 月 7 日以来,其士兵已有 4,021 名受伤。目前有 250 名以色列国防军成员在医院接受治疗,其中 31 人情况严重。










以色列下令对汗尤尼斯大部分地区进行大规模疏散,随后又对汗尤尼斯及其周边地区进行了新的袭击。据法新社报道,巴勒斯坦红新月会和医疗部门消息人士称,袭击造成 8 人死亡,30 多人受伤。


以色列军方称,炮火“击中了火源”,并“发现约 20 枚炮弹从汗尤尼斯地区飞过”,其中大部分已被拦截。据报道,没有人员伤亡。







  • 加沙地带最大医院的院长指责以色列对他和其他被拘留者实施酷刑,此前他在以色列监狱和拘留所被关押了七个月。据以色列当局称,加沙市希法医院院长穆罕默德·阿布·萨尔米亚是周一获释并返回加沙的数十名巴勒斯坦人之一。这位医生自去年 11 月在工作场所被捕以来一直被以色列未经指控关押,他说他和其他囚犯在以色列拘留期间“几乎每天都遭受酷刑”。

  • 释放阿布·萨尔米亚在以色列国内引发了一场政治争论,该国最高级别的官员否认事先知道这一消息以色列极右翼国家安全部长、警察和监狱服务主管伊塔马尔·本·格维尔表示,释放阿布·萨尔米亚等人的行为构成了“安全疏忽”,并指责国防部,但国防部否认对此负有责任。反对派领导人亚伊尔·拉皮德表示,释放阿布·萨尔米亚是政府“无法无天和失职”的又一表现。

  • 总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡随后批评此次释放是一个“严重错误”内塔尼亚胡表示,他已下令以色列情报机构辛贝特对释放事件展开调查,并在周二之前向他提供调查结果。他补充说,这一决定是在“政治阶层不知情的情况下”做出的。

  • 以色列辛贝特情报机构表示,已与以色列军方决定释放这些嫌疑人,“以腾出拘留中心的空间”该机构表示,“反对释放参与袭击以色列平民的恐怖分子”,“因此决定释放几名危险性较小的加沙被拘留者”。

  • 以色列广播管理局援引该国国防部长约夫·加兰特的话说,以色列军队需要立即增派 10,000 名士兵据半岛电视台报道,加兰特向外交和国防委员会表示,所需人员中4800人可以从以色列极端正统派社区中招募,该社区约占以色列总人口的13%。

  • 巴勒斯坦卫生部门称,以色列安全部队在对以色列占领的约旦河西岸的图勒凯尔姆进行突袭时,造成一名妇女和一名儿童死亡巴勒斯坦通讯社 Wafa 称,遇难者分别为 15 岁的 Muhammad Ali Sarhan 和 47 岁的 Nisreen Khaled Damiri。

  • 也门胡塞武装称,他们在红海、阿拉伯海、地中海和印度洋针对四艘船只进行了四次军事行动 “与美国、英国和以色列有联系。”《卫报》未能立即核实这些说法。


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