俄乌战争直播:立陶宛称欧盟需要找到办法绕过匈牙利阻挠对乌克兰的支持 | 世界新闻






Russian forces captured two villages in Ukraine, the defence ministry said on Monday.


The settlements are Ivanivka in the Kharkiv region and Netailove in Donetsk.

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Hungary is systematically blocking all efforts at the European Union level to support Ukraine in its war against Russia, Lithuanian foreign minister Gabrielis Landsbergis said on Monday, adding the bloc must “find a way to work around this.”


“We have to start seeing this as a systematic approach towards any efforts by the EU to have any meaningful role in foreign affairs,” Landsbergis said, adding: “It has gone very, very far.”

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A Ukrainian drone attacked a Russian “Voronezh M” early-warning radar near the city of Orsk in the Orenburg region at a “record” distance, a Kyiv intelligence source said on Monday.


The source told Reuters the attack was conducted by Ukraine’s military spy agency on Sunday and did not say whether it caused any damage. The city of Orsk lies around 1,500 km from the nearest parts of Ukrainian-controlled territory.

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Spain plans to send Patriot missiles and Leopard tanks to Ukraine as part of a $1.23 billion weapon package announced last month, El Pais newspaper reported on Monday, citing unidentified sources close to the operation.


Spain will hand over a dozen crucial Patriot anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine and 19 second-hand German-made Leopard 2A4 tanks and other Spanish-made weapons, such as anti-drones gear and ammunition, the newspaper said.


The new weapon delivery commitment will be announced during an official visit by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy to Madrid on Monday, where he will meet with prime minister Pedro Sanchez and King Felipe, the paper said.


The worth of the package was approved last month by the government, though it did not specify which weapons were included. Sanchez’s spokespeople declined to comment on the report from El Pais, Reuters reported.

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Hello and welcome to the Ukraine live blog.


We start with news that one person was killed and three wounded in a Ukrainian drone attack on Russia’s Oryol region on Monday, the regional governor, Andrey Klychkov, said on the Telegram messaging app.


Klychkov said a drone had crashed into a gas station, damaging it, and a second fell on it later, killing a firefighter.


In other news today:



  • The death toll from Russian strikes on a hardware store in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv rose to 16 on Sunday, authorities said, as rescuers continued to search the charred debris for bodies. The dead included a 12-year-old girl. Another 43 people were wounded and several people were listed as missing.

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  • Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, released a desperate video plea calling on world leaders to attend a “peace summit” in Switzerland. Zelenskiy appealed in particular to the US president, Joe Biden, and the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, to attend the summit, which is due to start on 15 June. “Please, show your leadership in advancing the peace – the real peace and not just a pause between the strikes,” said Zelenskiy in English. Biden has not yet confirmed his attendance and it is not known whether China will attend – “negotiations are ongoing” over Beijing’s participation, Zelenskiy’s aide Mykhailo Podolyak said in an interview last week.

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  • Zelenskiy is set to meet Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez in Madrid on Monday, as well as King Felipe VI. Earlier this month, Zelenskiy postponed all upcoming foreign visits, including the trip to Spain that had been scheduled for 17 May, after Russia launched an offensive in the north of the Kharkiv region.

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  • Ukrainian prosecutors said Russian shelling on Sunday killed three people in three different towns in the Donetsk region, another focal point for the Russian military’s onslaught. Prosecutors in Donetsk region, which Russia has annexed though it does not control all of its territory, said civilians had died in Siversk in the north of the region and farther south in Krasnohorivka and Chasiv Yar.

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  • Russian forces have also taken over the village of Berestove in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region, the Tass news agency reported, citing Russia’s defence ministry. The report could not be verified.

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  • One person was killed and three wounded in a Ukrainian drone attack on Russia’s Oryol region in the early hours of Monday, the regional governor, Andrey Klychkov, said on the Telegram messaging app. Klychkov said a drone had crashed into a gas station, damaging it, and a second fell on it later, killing a firefighter.

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  • Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni reiterated her opposition to weapons supplied to Ukraine being used on Russian soil, after Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg told the Economist the restriction should be lifted. “I don’t know why Stoltenberg said such a thing, I think we have to be very careful,” Meloni told Italian television, while adding that “I agree that Nato must remain firm, not give the signal that it is giving in.”

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这些定居点是哈尔科夫地区的伊万尼夫卡和顿涅茨克的 Netailove。




据路透社报道,今年 3 月,捷克共和国对这家总部位于布拉格、运营新闻网站 voiceofeurope.com 的公司实施了制裁,指控其是俄罗斯的宣传工具。




波兰周一公布了“东盾”计划的具体细节,这是一项耗资 100 亿兹罗提(25.5 亿美元)的计划,旨在加强波兰与白俄罗斯和俄罗斯东部边境的防御,波兰表示希望在 2028 年之前完成该计划。

据路透社报道,自 2021 年移民开始涌入边境以来,边境问题一直是一个焦点。 此前,俄罗斯的亲密盟友白俄罗斯在中东开设了旅行社,提供一条新的非官方进入欧洲的路线。 欧盟表示,此举旨在制造危机。












被任命接替绍伊古的技术经济学家安德烈·别洛乌索夫 (Andrei Belousov) 负责减少国防部的腐败并简化军事生产,以应对与乌克兰的长期战争,而这场战争的胜负很大程度上取决于工业产出。






基辅情报部门消息人士周一称,一架乌克兰无人机以“创纪录”的距离袭击了奥伦堡地区奥尔斯克市附近的俄罗斯“沃罗涅日 M”预警雷达。

消息人士告诉路透社,此次袭击是由乌克兰军事间谍机构于周日实施的,但并未透露是否造成任何损失。奥尔斯克市距离乌克兰控制区最近的地区约 1,500 公里。




60 岁的瑙塞达在维尔纽斯对记者说:“选民们给了我极大的信任,我很清楚我必须珍惜这份信任。”


他的对手、总理英格丽达·西蒙尼特(Ingrida Šimonytė)赢得了 23.8% 的选票,她在对记者的评论中对瑙塞达表示祝贺。



《国家报》周一援引未具名知情人士的话称,西班牙计划向乌克兰运送爱国者导弹和豹式坦克,作为上个月宣布的价值 12.3 亿美元武器计划的一部分。







我们首先要说的是 周一,乌克兰无人机袭击俄罗斯奥廖尔地区,造成一人死亡,三人受伤”地区州长安德烈·克利奇科夫 (Andrey Klychkov) 在 Telegram 消息应用程序上写道。



  • 乌克兰东部城市哈尔科夫一家五金店遭俄罗斯袭击,当局称,周日遇难人数已升至 16 人,救援人员仍在烧焦的废墟中搜寻尸体死者包括一名12岁女孩,另有43人受伤,数人失踪。

  • 乌克兰总统泽连斯基发布了一段视频,呼吁世界各国领导人参加在瑞士举行的“和平峰会”。 泽连斯基特别呼吁美国总统乔·拜登和中国领导人习近平出席定于 6 月 15 日开幕的峰会。泽连斯基用英语说:“请展示你们在推进和平方面的领导力——真正的和平,而不仅仅是空袭之间的停顿。”拜登尚未确认出席,中国是否会出席目前尚不清楚——泽连斯基的助手米哈伊洛·波多利亚克在上周接受采访时表示,“谈判正在进行中”,讨论北京是否参加。

  • 泽连斯基将于周一在马德里会见西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯以及国王费利佩六世。 本月初,由于俄罗斯在哈尔科夫地区北部发动攻势,泽连斯基推迟了所有即将进行的出访,包括原定于 5 月 17 日访问西班牙。

  • 乌克兰检察官称,周日俄罗斯的炮击造成顿涅茨克地区三个不同城镇的三人死亡,该地区是俄罗斯军队攻击的另一个重点顿涅茨克州检察官称,该地区北部的西维尔斯克以及更南部的克拉斯诺霍里夫卡和恰西夫亚尔均有平民死亡。俄罗斯已吞并该地区,但并未控制其全部领土。

  • 俄罗斯军队还占领了乌克兰东北部哈尔科夫地区的别列斯托夫村塔斯社援引俄罗斯国防部的话报道,该报道无法得到证实。

  • 俄罗斯奥廖尔州州长安德烈·克利奇科夫在 Telegram 消息应用程序上表示,周一凌晨,乌克兰无人机袭击了俄罗斯奥廖尔州,造成一人死亡,三人受伤克利奇科夫称,一架无人机撞上了一座加油站,造成加油站受损,随后第二架无人机坠落,造成一名消防员死亡。

  • 意大利总理乔治亚·梅洛尼重申反对向乌克兰提供武器在俄罗斯领土上使用,此前北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格表示 经济学家 应该取消这一限制“我不知道斯托尔滕贝格为什么会说这样的话,我认为我们必须非常小心,”梅洛尼在接受意大利电视台采访时表示,同时补充道:“我同意北约必须保持坚定,不能发出屈服的信号。”


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