
对于穿越太空前往宜居星球的宇宙飞船来说,回收是一个大问题。 人们使用 PDA 进行交流和记笔记,但包括学校在内的一些专业建筑仍然使用真正的纸张。 这个想法是在周末将其全部回收,确保没有任何东西被浪费,从而创建一个可以在最少干预的情况下有效多年的闭环。

但有人在一张偷来的纸上写了一张纸条,威胁到维持这一代飞船稳定的系统。 船长想知道谁与此案有关,而斯特拉正在处理此案,尽管她以前没有处理过类似的事情。 我带着她穿过宇宙飞船,与可能处理过纸张的人交谈,收集线索,并逐渐了解正在发生的事情。

只要我收集到所有证据并且不犯重大逻辑错误,这个案子可能是可以解决的。 但我父亲在发现自己被舱壁压碎之前,暗示更危险的事情正在发生。 与斯特拉交谈的许多人似乎都心怀不满且与世隔绝。 他们认为为人类创建第二个家园的使命太过遥远,无法完全致力于实现。 更糟糕的是,他们似乎过于自私,无法确保星舰及其船员仍然能够实现这一目标。

《Between Horizo​​ns》由 DigiTales Interactive 开发,由 Assemble Entertainment 发行。 我在 PC 上使用 Steam 玩过它,它也即将登陆 Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 5 以及 Xbox Series X 和 S。游戏采用经典的冒险游戏结构,重点是揭示和分析线索。

玩家被运送到一艘名为“和风号”的宇宙飞船上,前往附近的一颗恒星执行殖民任务。 主角斯特拉(Stella)从未了解过地球,在船上出生,然后接受教育和训练,成为新的安全局长。 这次探险的代际性质意味着她永远不会看到目的地Eurus d,但必须在她的一生中为这次努力的成功做出贡献。

很快,斯特拉发现自己陷入了一个复杂局势的核心,其中涉及身份不明的袭击者、掩盖事实、个人损失,以及有关许多人的需求以及哪些行动是合理的复杂问题。 叙事节奏很好,人物阵容也很好,还有一些扎实的曲折。 斯特拉的内心独白用于添加背景信息并在她和玩家之间建立牢固的联系。

扎实的写作是冒险游戏的要求,《地平线之间》主要满足了这一要求,尽管角色有时会使用相对奇怪的措辞([possibly developed as a result of their long-term quasi-isolation from the rest of humanity). All conversations can be reviewed using the game’s PDA if players want to scrutinize them for clues.

Mechanically, the experience deploys classic adventure genre ideas. Stella moves across the ship, using her suit’s scanning ability to identify points of interest and get details about them into her Personal Digital Assistant. The protagonist can also talk to characters, choosing from a range of questions and replies, and show them clues to comment on. As she identifies locations on Zephyr, she will be able to fast travel between rail stations to get to them faster (plenty of running is still required).

Our protagonist does get clear cases to investigate but she can set her own priorities. Make sure to always check the PDA to have a clear idea of what you can do but I tended to move through the ship, seeing what people have to say, going into rooms, and finding out more about the mission and how crew members feel about it.

Initially, it is easy to notice discrepancies and lies and solve mysteries but as the narrative progresses, players have to pay attention and carefully consider evidence before making decisions that alter the narrative’s course. Between Horizons saves constantly but there’s no way to do that manually, meaning that all choices are final.

The developer’s choice raises stakes and makes it even more important to consider potential outcomes and the many pieces of information they have access to. Everything can be reviewed using the PDA but there are moments when scrolling through the evidence interface can become somewhat annoying. A system to limit what players can show to characters for comment would’ve been a good idea.

Players need to keep in mind that failing to solve a case will have consequences later in the story. But there’s no full failure state, which encourages multiple playthroughs and rewards players with interesting situations even if they aren’t perfect detectives. I found that simply accepting that choices are final made interactions and deductions more meaningful.

Between Horizons features good pixel art and some impressive ship sights, mixing 2D characters with some 3D areas (although movement freedom is limited). Sure, when the game moves in close as characters stand in small rooms and talk, the lack of detail becomes clear. But the Zephyr and its many inhabitants look good when Stella is sprinting through the bigger common areas, constantly pulsating her suit, looking for clues.

The game’s PDA is decently organized but can become overwhelming as players gather more and more clues. Stella’s actor does a good job with her internal monologues, which add to the atmosphere and give her character depth, but the title does not have full voice acting. The pulsing effect associated with scanning will be a constant companion (you can disable text sounds). I also like the soundtrack, which combines futuristic and martial elements with more emotional moments.



  • 浓厚的科幻设定
  • 侦探力学
  • 一些伟大的角色时刻


  • PDA 可能会让人不知所措
  • 即使快速旅行,跑步次数过多
  • 艺术风格可能会变得令人厌烦


《Between Horizo​​ns》是冒险游戏类型的相当传统的代表,带有一些扎实的现代风格。 斯特拉的故事很感人,《和风》非常适合科幻悬疑小说的背景,以基本的道德困境和重大情感时刻为特色。

通过扫描和讨论收集线索非常有趣,但处理 PDA 中存储的大量证据可能很困难。 我怀疑游戏的图形对于某些玩家来说也很难吸引。 《地平线之间》是身临其境且紧张的,尽管它并没有大规模调整冒险游戏的公式。


2024-04-05 14:25:31

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