澳大利亚政治直播:政府斥资 650 万美元试行年龄保证,包括社交媒体限制 | 澳大利亚政治



据透露,联邦政府耗资 650 万美元的年龄保证试验将包括社交媒体限制。

这项试验的最初计划在 5 月份的预算中宣布,旨在限制 18 岁以上的人访问成人网站,并确定哪种技术和方法最有效。但在最近限制 16 岁及以上人群访问社交媒体的活动之后,通信部门表示,作为试验的一部分,它还将研究社交媒体限制。

在社交媒体和澳大利亚社会联合特别委员会的听证会上,该部门负责网络安全的代理第一助理部长表示, 布里奇特·甘农, 说:


甘农表示,该部门已与 Meta 和其他社交媒体平台商谈参与事宜,但指出根据法律,他们没有义务参与试验。不过,她说,这符合他们的利益,因为试验结果将决定周二宣布的新准则将如何根据《网络安全法》执行。




The federal government’s $6.5m age assurance trial will include social media restrictions after all, it has been revealed.


The original plan for the trial, announced in May’s budget, was to restrict access to adult sites to over 18s and determine what technology and method would work best. But after recent campaigns to restrict access to social media to people aged 16 and over, the communications department has said it will also examine social media restrictions as part of this trial.


Speaking at a hearing of the joint select committee on social media and Australian society, the department’s acting first assistant secretary for online safety, Bridget Gannon, said:



We want to understand how different technologies work at those younger ages for that social media work. We’ll also be consulting with experts, with children, with parents, to understand their concerns and their interests on this issue, and really pulling it together with some policy advice to the government on possible ways forward.



Gannon said the department had already been speaking to Meta and the other social media platforms about participating, but noted there was no obligation for them to participate in the trial under law. She said, however, it was in their interest as the outcome of the trial would inform how new codes announced on Tuesday would be enforced under the Online Safety Act.


You can read our report on those new codes below.

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The NDIS minister, Bill Shorten, is being asked about his WA colleague Fatima Payman on ABC radio. He is asked about a report (in the Age) that Anthony Albanese asked her to quit the Senate during their Lodge talk on Sunday.


Shorten says he doesn’t believe it and demands to know the host’s source.



Before I deny something, what’s your source?



Told it is a report in the Age and that Payman has said she feels intimidated and that she’s in exile, Shorten says “that’s the report in a story”:



No, I don’t believe that.


… Because I wasn’t there and I don’t believe it. I actually think the prime minister, Senator Wong and the leadership are handling a complicated issue pretty well.


…Senator Payman is smart, she’s young, she’s savvy. She comes from a diverse community who feels the grief and the horror of the deaths in Gaza and feels very strongly but what I also understand is that when you become a Labor candidate, you actually sign a contract. And the contract is that you will be bound by the decisions of the caucus.


Now she can’t do that at the moment.


… I do not for one second think that the Labor party has been anything other than reaching out to her. Now I don’t think she’s been intimidated or exiled. I can’t speak for how she’s feeling that’s up to her, but I can speak towards what I see as the objective conduct of empathetic committed colleagues.


The reality is in as far as I can see it and I can see them at a distance is that people are giving her space. The fact of the matter is, if you can’t agree to the team and the coach’s instructions, then you know she’s on the bench for the time being.


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Hello and welcome to your politics live coverage of the last parliament session before the winter break. Thank you to Martin for starting it off this morning – you have Amy Remeikis with you for most of the day. Coffee number three is on the boiler. Ready? Let’s get into it.

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This morning Labor will hold its first full caucus meeting without the Western Australian senator Fatima Payman.


On Sunday Anthony Albanese confirmed he had suspended Payman indefinitely from caucus after an interview with ABC’s Insiders in which the 29-year-old said she would again cross the floor if faced with another Senate motion to recognise the state of Palestine.


Payman released a statement yesterday afternoon saying she had been “exiled” by the party and ostracised by colleagues:



I have lost all contact with my caucus colleagues. I have been removed from caucus meetings, committees, internal group chats, and whips’ bulletins. I have been told to avoid all chamber duties that require a vote including divisions, motions and matters of public interest.



The major parties and the Greens hold their party meetings most Tuesday mornings during parliament’s sitting weeks.


During those meetings, members share messages, voice opinions and vote on final motions.


For Labor, especially while in government, decisions of caucus are final and members are expected to publicly toe the line.


Read more on this story here:

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NSW Liberals are heading to a key meeting to sort out the future of their partnership with the National party as experts warn the internal turmoil might put voters offside, Australian Associated Press reports.


After the opposition leader, Mark Speakman, ditched upper house MP Wes Fang from the shadow ministry for publicly lambasting him and claiming Speakman was “pretending” to care about the Riverina, the Nationals hit back by claiming Liberals didn’t have the power to sack their members.


Fang’s shadow portfolios were officially removed from the NSW parliament website on Monday, with the Liberals saying the parliamentary clerk had accepted Speakman’s ability to sack the MP.


An urgently convened party meeting on Tuesday will pave the way forward for the Coalition, with the Liberals understood to be seriously contemplating blowing up the agreement if the Nationals don’t accept the sacking.


Read more:

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More than 2m extra bulk billed GP visits have occurred since the government tripled the bulk-billing incentive, new data shows.


The health minister, Mark Butler, has been regularly releasing data on bulk-billing rates which he says continue to improve each month since the introduction of higher incentives for doctors in November.


The latest monthly data for May shows approaching 1m (more than 915,000) additional free visits. The overall bulk billing rate reached 79% – a rise of 3.4% since the higher bulk-billing incentives came into effect.


The government claims that in two years, it has increased Medicare rebates by twice as much as the former government did in its nine years in office.


Butler said:



Doctors’ groups have called our tripling of the bulk billing incentive a “game changer” – and close to one million additional free visits to the GP in May prove that it is one.


After a decade of cuts and neglect to Medicare by the Liberals bulk billing was in freefall.


The pressure on general practice began when Peter Dutton was health minister and he tried to do away with bulk billing by introducing a fee on every single visit to the GP, and then started a six-year freeze on Medicare rebates.


The Albanese government committed to making it easier for people to see a bulk billing doctor – and that is exactly what is happening right around the country, particularly in rural and regional Australia.


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Good morning and welcome to our rolling politics coverage from Canberra and beyond. I’m Martin Farrer and I’ll be bringing you the best of the overnight stories before Amy Remeikis takes over.


Anthony Albanese’s approval rating has dipped to a new low with our latest survey showing his approval rating at net -9 and nearly half of voters saying he’s not doing a good job. Peter Dutton’s numbers were level but questioning showed voters were concerned about the cost and safety of his nuclear plans. The PM might also be pleased to hear that up to 200,000 artificial intelligence-related jobs could be created in Australia in the next six years. More coming up.


The federal Labor party will this morning hold its first full caucus meeting without Fatima Payman. The Western Australian senator was suspended on Sunday after saying she would again cross the floor if faced with another Senate motion to recognise the state of Palestine. She said yesterday she will reflect on her future while accusing some members of trying to “intimidate” her to quit Senate. More coming up.


The New South Wales Coalition will hold a showdown party meeting this morning after Liberal leader Mark Speakman sacked Nationals MP Wes Fang from the shadow ministry. The Nationals claim Speakman doesn’t have the authority to sack their members and there are some expectations that the Liberals are prepared to ditch their junior partners over the row. More coming up.


Laws outlawing the sale of vapes might have come into force but a team of Guardian Australia reporters were nevertheless able to easily buy them from convenience and tobacco stores in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide yesterday. Our investigation shows there’s still a long way to go to enforce the ban despite all parties – and especially retailers – knowing that it was coming into force for some time.


And more than 2m extra bulk billed GP visits have occurred since the government tripled the bulk-billing incentive, new data released this morning by the government shows. More on that, too, soon.

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普通成员对加沙的死亡和破坏感到厌恶,并认为政府应该实施民族会议政策并与大多数国家一起承认巴勒斯坦国。 pic.twitter.com/lzZtXMlWlO

— 道格·卡梅伦(@DougCameron51) 2024 年 7 月 1 日

nn“}}” config =“{“renderingTarget”:“Web”,“darkModeAvailable”:“false”,“updateLogoAdPartnerSwitch”:“true”,“assetOrigin”:“https://assets.guim.co.uk/”}”>

普通成员对加沙的死亡和破坏感到厌恶,并认为政府应该实施民族会议政策并与大多数国家一起承认巴勒斯坦国。 pic.twitter.com/lzZtXMlWlO

— 道格·卡梅伦(@DougCameron51) 2024 年 7 月 1 日




新南威尔士州医院保安人员将使用随身摄像机,作为为期 12 个月的试验的一部分,以提高全州工作人员和患者的安全。

该州卫生部长表示,由于袭击事件增多,该州于周二宣布了这项试验。 瑞恩·帕克

此次试验将在韦斯特米德医院和皇家北岸医院等 9 家医院中使用多达 300 台摄像机。

Park 说道:


随身摄像机试验是新南威尔士州卫生部为落实 [Anderson review of hospital security] 并表明我们始终致力于持续改善安全实践,确保员工和患者的安全。




西蒙·伯明翰 继续:

归根结底,我们有一位总理,我们应该期待总理能够胜任国家领导人的职责。现在,如果 安东尼·艾博年 有绝对令人信服的理由,让他说明为什么他不能去。但如果这只是因为他宁愿待在家里竞选或处理和应对工党内部的混乱,那么,这个理由还不够充分。总理应该承担起国家的领导角色和责任。

提醒一下,以下是彼得·达顿于 6 月 26 日向总理提出的询问:

总理在头 18 个月里忙于周游世界,花费 4.5 亿美元用于引起分歧的“声音”公投,而不是专注于制定经济决策和制定预算来帮助澳大利亚家庭(而不是伤害他们)。总理会为澳大利亚家庭今天所遭受的生活成本痛苦承担责任吗?



这是 北约的 (这 北大西洋公约组织)75周年,作为纪念活动的一部分, 安东尼·艾博年 原定于本月晚些时候出席华盛顿的一场活动。澳大利亚不是北约成员国,但作为“增强机会的合作伙伴”,与北约成员国密切合作。日本、韩国和新西兰也受邀作为印度太平洋代表参加此次活动。

国防部长 理查德·马尔斯, 将代替阿尔巴尼斯出席。即使对于领导人峰会来说,这并不罕见。


就在上周, 彼得·达顿 就在与总理讨论建立与澳大利亚太平洋邻国的关系的重要性后不久,他又批评了总理在生活成本危机期间出国。

现在, 西蒙·伯明翰 批评阿尔巴尼斯本月没有前往华盛顿,指责他“失职”。






ACTU 的 总统, 米歇尔·奥尼尔, 以及来自煤炭和天然气社区的工人今天将前往议会“呼吁绿党和跨党派参议员支持参议院紧急通过净零经济授权法案”。

绿党和中立议员 有顾虑 该法案在规划实现净零排放的途径、与社区互动方面做得还不够,也没有保证部长不会推翻法案的精神。

澳大利亚工会理事会 (ACTU) 希望中立议员能够在参议院通过该法案,以便新兴产业能够发展起来。






据透露,联邦政府耗资 650 万美元的年龄保证试验将包括社交媒体限制。

这项试验的最初计划在 5 月份的预算中宣布,旨在限制 18 岁以上的人访问成人网站,并确定哪种技术和方法最有效。但在最近限制 16 岁及以上人群访问社交媒体的活动之后,通信部门表示,作为试验的一部分,它还将研究社交媒体限制。

在社交媒体和澳大利亚社会联合特别委员会的听证会上,该部门负责网络安全的代理第一助理部长表示, 布里奇特·甘农, 说:


甘农表示,该部门已与 Meta 和其他社交媒体平台商谈参与事宜,但指出根据法律,他们没有义务参与试验。不过,她说,这符合他们的利益,因为试验结果将决定周二宣布的新准则将如何根据《网络安全法》执行。





马克·巴特勒 如果… 法蒂玛致他 离开工党了吗?巴特勒:





我们已收到 比尔·肖顿 来自工党右派的关于工党核心小组规则的消息,现在一位资深左派成员也表达了同样的信息。

询问 法蒂玛致他马克·巴特勒 告诉第九频道:


这是我们一百多年来的指导原则。 我认为,这也是投票给工党参议院候选人的人们所期望的。





澳大利亚残奥会代表队今天上午在议会大厦举行的一场活动上亮相。 安东尼·艾博年 欢迎运动员:











党因征兵问题而分裂,在 20 世纪 30 年代分裂,在 20 世纪 50 年代分裂,而我们还没有到达那个地步,之所以还没有到达那个地步,是因为我们有关于团结的规则。








我们支持两国解决方案,但我认为 澳大利亚人有责任确保海外的争论不会成为我们国内的分歧点

…有些人确实如此,但我可以告诉你,大多数人可能和我一样,认为这很可怕。大多数人希望看到以色列坦克 [out of Gaza]大多数人都希望看到人质被释放。大多数人都希望看到他们过上好日子,但我告诉你,几乎每个澳大利亚人都不希望在澳大利亚重复海外的争论。




比尔·肖顿 表示将来可能会有理由重新审视工党规则,但现在不是时候。


嗯,人们这么说过 [and] 过去你曾与工党竞争。你宁愿人们投票给你。我认为澳大利亚人和穆斯林传统有很多问题与冲突无关。还有巴勒斯坦,工党在那里做了伟大的事情。

我确实有一个观点,基于我 17 年的工党领袖生涯,作为一名研究这个国家历史的学生:一个基于宗教的 [party],我认为,不是一个好主意。




#澳大利亚政治直播政府斥资 #万美元试行年龄保证包括社交媒体限制 #澳大利亚政治
2024-07-01 22:54:59

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