澳大利亚政治直播:查尔默斯表示,国家党在超市竞争中“随机应变” | 澳大利亚政治


吉姆·查默斯, 不过,他表示不会被迫剥离超市的权力:

现在我们和 联盟 我们制定和实施竞争政策时,会认真考虑并有条不紊地听取 澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会 和别的。

我们看到我们的对手 国民 一边走,一边肆意妄为,对自由党横加干涉, 安格斯·泰勒 再次,他被卷入税收和核反应堆公共资金的泥潭。所以,这与我们在核能和移民问题上看到的混乱局面是一样的。他们无法解释最基本的细节。



不久前 简·休姆 表示她担心资产剥离不会降低价格。她最近在 4 月份的言论中明确表达了这一点。




Two batches of figures out today from the ABS point to stronger than expected economy activity – but that’s because expectations were pretty grim to start with.


Retail sales were 0.6% higher in June than in May, or twice the meagre growth rate anticipated by economists. Still, they were up only 1.7% from May 2023 and given the inflation rate was 4%, they were down more than 2% in real terms.


Some of that spending was related to end of financial year discounting starting earlier than usual (a trend we see at the other end of the year as pre-Christmas sales increasingly start from early November).


Perhaps the obscure fact of the day: Western Australia’s retail turnover rose 1.3%, aided by the restoration of the Trans-Australian Railway and Eyre Highway freight routes after major flooding in March. (Guess we don’t have much coastal shipping these days.)


For the other major stats, the ABS said dwelling approvals rose 5.5% in May, quickening from April’s 1.9% pace. Economists had been tipping a 1.6% rise.


WA led the way with a 19.6% jump (probably more to do with the soaring property prices there than a post-flood approvals binge), with Victoria’s up 8.9%.


The value of total building approved rose 0.6% to $13bn, the ABS said, reversing a 0.7% fall in April.


Neither set of numbers is likely to shift the Reserve Bank’s interest rate dial. The biggest influence on that won’t come until 31 July, when we get June quarter inflation figures.

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Jim Chalmers, though, says he won’t be pushed on divestiture powers for the supermarkets:



Now the difference between us and the Coalition is we devise and implement our competition policy in a considered and a methodical way, relying heavily on the advice of the ACCC and others.


What we see with our opponents is the Nationals making it up as they go along, riding roughshod over the Liberals, rolling Angus Taylor once again like he’s been rolled on tax and he’s been rolled on public funding for nuclear reactors as well. So this is the same kind of shambles as we saw with nuclear and with migration. They can’t explain the most basic details.


One of the reasons why the last three big reviews of competition policy hasn’t recommended we go down this path is because of the possible unintended consequences. If you made supermarkets sell, are they allowed to sell to another big rival? Does it mean they close down more stores in local communities? And does that mean less competition rather than more competition in local communities?



Chalmers is also keen to point out the doubts those in the Liberal party have previously expressed about the idea:



Not that long ago Jane Hume was saying that she was worried that divestiture wouldn’t decrease prices. She’s on the record as recently as April making that clear.


So we make our competition policy on the advice of the ACCC, not on the advice of the National party riding roughshod over the Liberals.


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On Fatima Payman’s suspected exit from the Labor party, Jim Chalmers said he wasn’t sure if she was leaving but:



I mean she’s certainly chosen to sit herself outside the obligations that all of the rest of us sign up to. We’re a party of progress, not protest, we believe that we get more done collectively than individually. That’s been one of the reasons for our success over a really long period of time.


The path that Fatima has chosen has been chosen by her, not for her, and my hope is that we can welcome Fatima back into the fold at some point when she’s prepared to be subjected to those obligations that all the rest of us have signed up to when we become Labor members and senators.


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The treasurer, Jim Chalmers, is on his feet in the house introducing the Future Made in Australia legislation. (This part of the legislation is on Treasury’s role, which is why Chalmers has carriage over it.)


Chalmers seems to be speaking to the bill as though it is going to become a part of the nation’s history books and thus needs some good lines:



Our goal here is to power the future, not manufacture the past. Our strategy is to engage and invest not retreat and protect.


Our emphasis is on attracting private investment, not replacing it.


To prosper from change, not just protect ourselves from it.


And the Bill I’m introducing today is putting this plan into practice – to help make Australia a renewable energy superpower, and an indispensable part of the global net zero economy.


To more closely align our national security and economic security interests. To modernise and strengthen our economy, in a world built on cheaper and cleaner energy.


To grab the vast industrial and economic opportunities from the world’s shift to net zero. And share the benefits of those opportunities with every Australian.


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Nick McKim is asked about some of the criticism from Labor MPs, including Queensland’s Graham Perrett who described Adam Bandt to the Saturday Paper as “an opportunistic, vote-harvesting stunt master who can go eff himself.”


McKim says:



He [Perrett] 受到选民的压力,选民们不支持工党的做法,他们希望工党制裁以色列政府,希望工党停止参与种族灭绝。当然,他承受着压力,当然,他会猛烈抨击我们。


现在,归根结底,我们所做的一切都是出于政治目的。我们所做的只是我们的本职工作。 我们的职责就是来到这里,为数百万不支持加沙种族灭绝的澳大利亚人发声,为数百万希望澳大利亚工党政府停止参与这场种族灭绝的澳大利亚人发声,对以色列政府实施制裁。






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Hello and welcome back to Politics Live – and the second last sitting day before the parliament rises for the winter break.


You have Amy Remeikis with you for most of the day.




Let’s get into it.

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A branch of the Australian Services Union has backed the Labor senator Fatima Payman, saying she was acting in line with the party’s platform when she crossed the floor to vote in favour of a Palestinian state.


Despite federal Labor MPs and senators yesterday endorsing Anthony Albanese‘s decision to suspend Payman from the caucus, the ASU’s NSW & ACT services branch has issued a statement commending her “for supporting the Labor platform”. The statement said:



We call on all Labor politicians to uphold the Labor platform and recognise Palestinian statehood as a priority in their voices and votes in our Parliament and in United Nations forums.


The Labor party should be focused on doing everything in its power to stop Israel committing genocide in Gaza, rather than focusing on its own MPs who speak up for peace and recognition of Palestine in accordance with their own party platform.



The Labor platform – reaffirmed at the party’s national conference last August – expresses support for “the recognition and right of Israel and Palestine to exist as two states within secure and recognised borders” and “calls on the Australian government to recognise Palestine as a state” as “an important priority”.


The ASU, which is affiliated with the Labor party and is aligned with its left faction, said the party’s platform was “developed by thousands of party and union members committed to peace and justice for the Palestinian people”.

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Anthony Albanese says he wants Fatima Payman rejoin Labor – “and that option is certainly available to her” – but has also hinted at the potential for her not to return to the government partyroom.


The prime minister gave a cagey interview to ABC 7.30 last night which focused on Payman’s suspension from the Labor caucus following her support last week of a Greens motion relating to Palestine. Albanese upgraded her suspension from one week to indefinite after she gave an interview to Insiders on Sunday saying she may cross the floor again.


Albanese said Payman’s future in Labor “is a decision for her”.


“She has made the decision that she can’t be bound by what puts our team together. And I would like to see her rejoin the team and that option is certainly available to her,” he told 7.30.


But he then went on to say: “I’ve been around a while, and I’ve seen people at various times make decisions to change the direction upon which they were elected.”


The PM said it was “a pity” Payman had taken the course of action she had, and that it was “not acceptable” for her to reportedly be speaking to Muslim groups seeking to campaign against Labor MPs in some western Sydney and Melbourne seats.


“The idea that this happened just in the last 24 hours is I think not what has occurred,” he said.


“Someone doesn’t just pop up on Insiders because they were walking past the studio on Sunday. Now, I asked for an explanation of why, what the motivation of that was. I haven’t received one. Just as Senator Payman’s caucus colleagues weren’t given the courtesy of any advance notice that she would cross the floor to vote for a position that is not consistent with Labor’s position, when it comes to the Middle East.”

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Good morning and welcome to our rolling politics coverage this Wednesday. I’m Martin Farrer and before Amy Remeikis comes along, I’ll be running through a few of the big overnight stories.


A famous Labor dissenter has advised Fatima Payman to “stick to her guns” as her dispute with the party continues to dominate the discourse in Canberra. Harry Quick, the last federal Labor MP to vote against his party when he opposed Howard-era anti-terror laws, urged Fatima Payman to be true to her principles as she faces intense pressure to toe the line on Palestinian statehood or leave Labor.


His support came as Anthony Albanese criticised Senator Payman for talking to Glenn Druery, after the political strategist and so-called preference whisperer confirmed he was having “informal conversations” with Payman and Muslim community groups about the next election. However, he also said he wanted her to rejoin the Labor caucus. More coming up.


Melburnians are waking up to a very cold morning today, with the mercury forecast to be not far off 0C (at the time of writing, it was 1.2C at the Olympic Park weather station in the middle of the city and just 0.5C at the airport). And as they do so, many will be wondering why their house is so poorly insulated. Our data specialist Josh Nicholas has come up with one of his big charts to illustrate the problem – namely, that the average Australian home built before 2003 averages just 1.8 out of 10 for insulation, and that’s 70% of Australian homes.


And a new report from the Human Rights Centre calls for the repeal of anti-protest laws across the country that are criminalising a fundamental right. More on that, too, soon.

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关于人权法案以及司法部长应该做什么的问题,罗莎琳德克劳彻 (Rosalind Croucher) 表示这取决于他,但他已经“准备好了”这个框架。









回到新闻俱乐部地址—— 罗莎琳德·克劳彻 考虑到 安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯 在推进宗教歧视立法之前,是否承诺要达成两党协议?









参议员 尼克·麦金 表示该党仍在决定是否重复上周提出的议案,该议案要求工党参议员 法蒂玛致他 藐视其政党的立场并投票支持该立场。



我要说的是,我们的重点仍然是试图迫使工党制裁以色列政府,并试图迫使工党摆脱种族灭绝的共谋,”麦金告诉记者。 “因此,我们所做的一切都是为了确保我们为巴勒斯坦的巴勒斯坦人挺身而出,确保我们为巴勒斯坦裔澳大利亚人挺身而出,并确保我们向工党施加压力,让其做正确的事情。



在屋子里, 询问普利伯塞克 “自然积极”立法(与环境保护署合作的立法)正在审议中。





作为 莎拉·巴斯福德·卡纳莱斯 上周报道称, 比尔·肖顿 推出了一个网站成本追踪器,用于追踪他所称的有争议的 NDIS 法案在参议院通过延迟给澳大利亚人造成的损失。

您可以在 www.outoftouchwithcostofliving.com


你可以在 w 找到它www.outoftouchwithcostofliving.org.au




如今,她作为人权委员会主席的七年任期即将结束, 罗莎琳德·克劳彻 就该组织本身以及它为何经常被误解发表了一些看法。




这些批评和批评者误解了几个关键参数:我们有义务考虑向我们发送的所有投诉;没有人“被拖到我们面前”——我们提供中立、自愿和低成本的争议解决流程,每年我们调解的数千起案件中,只有不到 4% 的案件进入法庭;接受投诉并不一定意味着委员会认为它有价值;我们没有权力起诉任何人,也不会亲自煽动投诉;我们的职责是处理澳大利亚的人权问题——我们不是世界状况的公开评论员。

澳大利亚人权委员会主席、名誉教授罗莎琳德·克劳彻 (Rosalind Croucher) 于 2024 年 7 月 3 日星期三在堪培拉国家新闻俱乐部发表讲话。 摄影:Lukas Coch/AAP


罗莎琳德·克劳彻 即将开始她的新闻俱乐部演讲——我们将为您带来精彩内容。



月零售额增长 0.6%,为经济学家预测的两倍



今天发布了两批数据 防抱死制动系统 这表明经济活动强于预期——但这是因为一开始的预期就相当悲观。

6 月份零售额比 5 月份增长 0.6%,是经济学家预期的微薄增长率的两倍。尽管如此,零售额仅比 2023 年 5 月增长 1.7%,考虑到通胀率为 4%,实际下降超过 2%。

部分支出与财政年度末比平时开始得早的折扣有关(我们在年底也看到这种趋势,因为圣诞节前的促销越来越多地从 11 月初开始)。

或许,今天最不为人知的事实是:西澳大利亚零售额增长了 1.3%,这得益于 3 月份大洪水过后澳大利亚铁路和艾尔公路货运路线的恢复。(我想,现在我们沿海航运不多了。)

就其他主要数据而言,澳大利亚统计局称,5 月份住房审批量增长 5.5%,高于 4 月份的 1.9%。经济学家此前预计增长 1.6%。

西澳州以 19.6% 的涨幅领跑全澳(这可能更多是因为当地房价飙升,而非洪水过后审批热潮),维多利亚州的涨幅为 8.9%。

澳大利亚统计局称,批准的建筑总价值上涨 0.6%,达到 130 亿澳元,扭转了 4 月份 0.7% 的跌幅。

这两组数字都不太可能改变储备银行的利率。最大的影响要等到 7 月 31 日,届时我们将获得 6 月份季度通胀数据。



ACF 表示,“碳捕获和天然气不应获得澳大利亚未来制造基金的资助”

澳大利亚保护基金会的首席出口活动家, 伊丽莎白·沙利文, 表示“澳大利亚未来制造”法案是一个很好的举措 — — 只要天然气不被纳入其中。







美国AP协会 报告 萨姆·莫斯廷 作为她担任总督后采取的首批行动之一,她接待了 2022 年遭遇洪水的利斯莫尔当地人。

莫斯廷女士周三在澳大利亚地方政府协会 (ALGA) 全国大会上发表讲话,受到热烈欢迎,这是她两天前宣誓就职以来的首次公开露面。

莫斯廷女士描述了她在新办公室的第一天,她说她会见了利斯莫尔市长 史蒂夫·克里格 和副市长杰里·霍尔(Jeri Hall)讨论该地区城市在 2022 年灾难性洪水之后的持续恢复。






#澳大利亚政治直播查尔默斯表示国家党在超市竞争中随机应变 #澳大利亚政治
2024-07-03 03:09:39

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