白宫否认《纽约时报》关于拜登正在考虑是否继续参选的报道——直播 | 2024 年美国大选


白宫正在反击纽约时报的新 报告 据称乔·拜登告诉一位重要盟友,他正在考虑是否继续参加总统竞选。



对此,白宫发言人安德鲁·贝茨在 X 上公开发文称:“这一说法完全是错误的。如果《纽约时报》给我们超过 7 分钟的时间发表评论,我们就会告诉他们。”

这种说法绝对是错误的。如果《纽约时报》给我们超过 7 分钟的时间来发表评论,我们就会告诉他们。 https://t.co/SRTYIVTy7v

— 安德鲁·贝茨(@AndrewJBates46) 2024 年 7 月 3 日


这种说法绝对是错误的。如果《纽约时报》给我们超过 7 分钟的时间来发表评论,我们就会告诉他们。 https://t.co/SRTYIVTy7v

— 安德鲁·贝茨(@AndrewJBates46) 2024 年 7 月 3 日



Dozens of House Democrats are considering signing a letter in calls for Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, Bloomberg reports, citing a ‘senior party official’.


According to the source, Democrats currently running for re-election in “traditionally safe Democratic districts are circulating the letter”.


Increasing internal pressure and disappointment from Democratic donors and lawmakers have been mounting against Biden and his campaign team after the president’s lackluster performance at last week’s presidential debate.


Bloomberg’s report follows a New York Times report from this morning on Biden allegedly telling a key ally that he is weighing whether to remain in the race.


The White House has denied the report, calling it “false”.

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Joe Biden has privately acknowledged how critical the next few days are to his presidential re-election bid, > reports.


According to the outlet citing an anonymous source, Biden “sees the moment, he’s clear-eyed”.


“The polls are plummeting, the fundraising is drying up, and the interviews are going badly. He’s not oblivious,” the source said, adding that Biden allegedly said in a private conversation on Tuesday: “I have done way too much foreign policy.”


Biden allegedly also said in the private conversation that he “blamed himself” and was “chastened” after last week’s presidential debate which saw him stumble repeatedly amid a lackluster performance.

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The White House is pushing back against a new New York Times report that Joe Biden allegedly told a key ally that he is weighing whether to stay in the presidential race.


On Wednesday, the New York Times reported an anonymous source saying of Biden, “He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place,” referring to last week’s presidential debate in which Biden did poorly.


Biden has several public appearances scheduled for the coming days, including an ABC News interview and campaign events in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the outlet reports.


In response, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates took to X, posting publicly: “That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so.”


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Biden reportedly called the House minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries, late on Tuesday as more Democrats publicly shared their concern about Biden staying on as the Democratic presidential candidate.


The New York Times first reported that Biden called Jeffries, the top-ranking House Democrat, according to one person familiar with the conversation.



Politico also reported that Biden called Jeffries, according to two people familiar with the phone call.


Biden reportedly also spoke to Democratic senator Chris Coons of Delaware, a staunch ally of the president.


Jeffries’ office did not respond to the Guardian’s request for comment about the reported call or if Biden should drop out of the race.

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Another Democratic legislator has suggested that Kamala Harris could replace Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee amid growing discontent following Biden’s poor debate performance.


House Democrat Summer Lee of Pennsylvania said Harris was the “obvious choice” in a scenario where Biden decides not to run, CBS News reported.


During a radio interview, Lee warned that “time is not on our side” when it comes to possibly selecting a new Democratic presidential candidate.


Lee added that Harris has the “name recognition” after serving as vice-president and has been campaigning.


Lee also noted that forgoing Harris, a Black woman, would not be ideal optics.


Read Lee’s full comments here, from CBS’s Scott MacFarlane.



Maybe folks don’t want to hear, but we have timing that is running out. Time is not on our side. We have a few months to do a monumental task. It’s not cheap and it’s not easy. If our president decides this is not a pathway forward for him, we have to move very quickly. There’s not going to be time for a primary. That time is past. The vice president is the obvious choice. She’s sitting right there. She’s already been in the White House. And has the name recognition. And has been on the trail … and the optics of pushing aside a Black woman … it’s not good


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Good morning, US politics readers.


Joe Biden has invited Democratic governors to meet with him at the White House today as the president faces increasingly concerning polls and growing calls to withdraw his candidacy, following last week’s disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.


On Tuesday, a House Democrat from Texas, Lloyd Doggett, became the first in his party to publicly urge Biden to step aside. Later that evening, a House Democratic aide said that as many as 25 Democratic House members are preparing to call for Biden to withdraw from the race.


According to Reuters, Kamala Harris would be the top alternative to replace Biden if he did decide to step down – although there are no signs that that the president is considering doing so. Among the names being floated are Democratic governors Gavin Newsom from California, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, but Harris is at the very top of that list, the news agency said, citing sources.


Here’s what we’re watching: (all times eastern)



  • The White House daily press briefing is scheduled at 1:30pm.

  • n

  • Biden will meet with Democratic governors at 6:30pm in the White House.

  • n

“,”elementId”:”033c20e9-2d57-404f-8b82-b0167b79103c”}],”attributes”:{“pinned”:false,”keyEvent”:true,”summary”:false},”blockCreatedOn”:1720012300000,”blockCreatedOnDisplay”:”09.11 EDT”,”blockLastUpdated”:1720013884000,”blockLastUpdatedDisplay”:”09.38 EDT”,”blockFirstPublished”:1720012300000,”blockFirstPublishedDisplay”:”09.11 EDT”,”blockFirstPublishedDisplayNoTimezone”:”09.11″,”title”:”据报道,民主党希望哈里斯接替拜登,拜登努力争取支持”,”contributors”:[{“name”:”Léonie Chao-Fong”,”imageUrl”:”https://i.guim.co.uk/img/uploads/2024/06/04/Le%CC%81onie_Chao-Fong.jpg?width=300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=b8c42d52dc102d7d468fdd72c2bb4b46″,”largeImageUrl”:”https://i.guim.co.uk/img/uploads/2024/06/04/Le%CC%81onie_Chao-Fong.png?width=300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=9e4274fc28877bce2c6a45b1b83309f1″}],”primaryDateLine”:”2024 年 7 月 3 日星期三 13.00 EDT”,”secondaryDateLine”:”首次发布于 2024 年 7 月 3 日星期三 09.11 EDT”}],”filterKeyEvents”:false,”id”:”key-events-carousel-mobile”,”absoluteServerTimes”:false}”>


华盛顿众议院民主党人玛丽·格鲁森坎普·佩雷斯表示 乔·拜登 由于总统上周的辩论表现不佳,“将输给特朗普”。

在一个新的 面试 KATU 新闻的 Gluesenkamp Perez 表示:“大约有 5000 万美国人收看了那场辩论。我也是其中的一员,经历了大约五分钟非常痛苦的时光。我们都看到了我们所看到的一切,你无法改变这一点,我认为事实是拜登将输给特朗普。”





数十名众议院民主党人考虑签署信函敦促拜登退出 – 彭博社

据彭博社报道,数十名民主党众议员正在考虑签署一封信,要求乔·拜登退出总统竞选 报告,援引一位“高级党员官员”的话“”。

据消息人士透露, 民主党 目前正在“传统上安全的民主党选区”竞选连任的人士正在传阅这封信。






拜登私下承认竞选连任的下一步关键举措 – >

据美国有线电视新闻网 (>) 报道,乔·拜登私下承认,未来几天对他竞选总统连任至关重要 报告







白宫正在反击纽约时报的新 报告 据称乔·拜登告诉一位重要盟友,他正在考虑是否继续参加总统竞选。



对此,白宫发言人安德鲁·贝茨在 X 上公开发文称:“这一说法完全是错误的。如果《纽约时报》给我们超过 7 分钟的时间发表评论,我们就会告诉他们。”

这种说法绝对是错误的。如果《纽约时报》给我们超过 7 分钟的时间来发表评论,我们就会告诉他们。 https://t.co/SRTYIVTy7v

— 安德鲁·贝茨(@AndrewJBates46) 2024 年 7 月 3 日


这种说法绝对是错误的。如果《纽约时报》给我们超过 7 分钟的时间来发表评论,我们就会告诉他们。 https://t.co/SRTYIVTy7v

— 安德鲁·贝茨(@AndrewJBates46) 2024 年 7 月 3 日



据 Axios 报道,乔·拜登在众议院民主党人举行的“反拜登发泄会”上是“房间里的驴子” 報告。


Axios 援引两位知情人士的话称:“会议的大部分时间都被成员们用来表达对拜登及其团队的不满和疑虑。”

出席此次会议的德克萨斯州众议院民主党人劳埃德·道格特(Lloyd Doggett)在公开场合向 Axios 表示:“很多人不太高兴。”





据报道,拜登周二晚些时候致电众议院少数党领袖哈基姆·杰弗里斯 (Hakeem Jeffries), 民主党 公开表达了对拜登继续担任民主党总统候选人的担忧。

《纽约时报》首先报道称,拜登致电众议院民主党高层杰弗里斯, 根据 向一位熟悉此次谈话的人说。


— Shane Goldmacher(@ShaneGoldmacher) 2024 年 7 月 3 日



— Shane Goldmacher(@ShaneGoldmacher) 2024 年 7 月 3 日

Politico 也 已报告 据两位熟悉通话内容的人士透露,拜登曾给杰弗里斯打过电话。






最新调查显示 雅虎新闻/YouGov 调查发现,60% 的受访者认为拜登“不适合”连任总统, 希尔报道

只有 24% 的受访者认为拜登身体健康,而 16% 的受访者表示不确定。

相比之下,43% 的受访者认为特朗普适合担任总统,而 46% 的受访者认为他不适合。

超过一半的受访者(占受访者总数的 56%)观看了上周的辩论。在那些没有观看辩论的受访者中,18% 的人表示他们通过在线观看视频片段来判断谁表现更好。

据《国会山报》报道,此次民意调查共调查了 1,754 名成年人。




另一位民主党议员建议 卡马拉·哈里斯 拜登辩论表现不佳,民众不满情绪日益高涨,特朗普或将取代拜登成为民主党总统候选人。

据哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网报道,宾夕法尼亚州众议院民主党人萨默·李表示,如果拜登决定不参选,哈里斯将是“显而易见的选择”。 已报告




请阅读哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 的斯科特·麦克法兰 (Scott MacFarlane) 对李的完整评论。




拜登的支持率 民主党 陷入困境,因为至少有一位民主党议员公开表示,总统应该退出 2024 年大选。

众议员劳埃德·道格特 德克萨斯州的民主党人是第一位呼吁拜登退出的民主党人,他在周三上午的一次采访中详细阐述了他的想法。






聆听完整采访 这里





早上好, 美国政治 读者。

乔·拜登 已邀请 民主党州长 今天在白宫与他会面,因为总统面临着越来越令人担忧的民意调查和越来越多的要求他退出竞选的呼声,继上周 糟糕的辩论表现 反对 唐纳德·特朗普。

周二,来自德克萨斯州的一位众议院民主党人 洛伊德·道格特成为党内第一个公开敦促拜登下台的人。当晚晚些时候,众议院民主党助理 多达25名民主党众议员准备呼吁拜登退出竞选。

根据 路透社卡马拉·哈里斯 将成为拜登的首选人选,如果他决定辞职的话——尽管没有迹象表明总统正在考虑这么做。在候选名单中,有民主党州长 加文·纽森 来自加利福尼亚州, 格雷琴·惠特默 密歇根州和 乔希·夏皮罗 该通讯社援引消息人士的话称,哈里斯是宾夕法尼亚州最年轻的参议员,但哈里斯位居名单之首。




2024-07-03 16:48:01

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