监管机构 Ofcom 呼吁皇家邮政的普遍邮政服务实现现代化 – Business Live | 商业

全文:Ofcom 表示,皇家邮政通过改用每周三天的服务可以节省 6.5 亿英镑


通信监管机构表示,如果皇家邮政每周只投递三天信件,则可节省高达 6.5 亿英镑;如果停止周六投递,则可节省高达 2 亿英镑(见 6.52am)。

该监管机构表示,从每周六天减少到五天将节省 1 亿至 2 亿英镑,减少到三天将节省 4 亿至 6.5 亿英镑。 我的同事亚历克斯·劳森报道

在万众期待的评测中, 英国通信管理局 为未来的普遍服务义务(USO)制定了一系列选项,要求皇家邮政以固定价格每周六天在全国范围内投递。




There’s bad news for workers at asset manager Abrdn this morning.


Abrdn is stepping up its cost-cutting programme, and today announced it will strip out another £150m of costs in 2024 and 2025, mainly across its group functions and support services.


The plan will eliminate around 500 jobs.


Abrdn says:



The programme includes the removal of management layers, increasing spans of control, further efficiency in outsourcing and technology areas, as well as reducing overheads in group functions and support services.


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Shares in International Distributions Services, Royal Mail’s parent company, rose by 1.8% at the start of trading in London, as traders digest Ofcom’s report into its USO.

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The Communication Workers Union (CWU) have said a three-day delivery service would “destroy” Royal Mail.


CWU general secretary Dave Ward said the union could not support such a plan:



“We are not resistant to change, but we will not sign up to a three-day universal service obligation, which would destroy Royal Mail as we know and would impact on thousands of jobs.


“Royal Mail has the biggest fleet in the country, a presence in every community, and boasts and unrivalled infrastructure.


“This is the bedrock that a serious growth agenda, and the future of the company, can be built.”


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Postal Affairs Minister Kevin Hollinrake said that Government was committed to a six-day service from the Royal Mail (as flagged earlier).


Speaking after Ofcom suggested letter delivery days could be cut to five, or even three, Hollinrake told Times Radio:



“The Prime Minister been very clear on this, six-day delivery is really important for many people in this country, many of our citizens, but also for many of our businesses.”


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Questioned over whether the six-day model for letters remained sustainable, Hollinrake said:



“Royal Mail made significant profits in previous years. They’ve had a couple of difficult years not least because of some of the industrial action they’ve been subjected to. But nevertheless we are keen to see Royal Mail become more efficient.”



He added:



“I believe the Royal Mail can build a sustainable model. But that sustainable model must be based on a-six day service.”


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Royal Mail could save up to £650m if it delivered letters just three days a week and £200m by stopping Saturday deliveries, the communications regulator has said (see 6.52am).


The watchdog said a reduction from six to five days a week would save £100m to £200m, and going down to three days £400m to £650m, my colleague Alex Lawson reports.


In a much-anticipated review, Ofcom laid out a series of options for the future of the universal service obligation (USO), which requires Royal Mail to deliver nationwide, six days a week, for a fixed price.


The regulator began gathering evidence to show how the future of the service may be reformed to better suit consumers’ needs, amid a long-term decline in letter volumes and a surge in the number of parcels sent as online shopping has grown.


It has conducted consumer research and modelled Royal Mail’s finances in the review, and will seek views with a further update planned later this year.


More here:

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Dame Melanie Dawes, Ofcom’s chief executive, says:



“Postal workers are part of the fabric of our society and are critical to communities up and down the country. But we’re sending half as many letters as we did in 2011, and receiving many more parcels. The universal service hasn’t changed since then, it’s getting out of date and will become unsustainable if we don’t take action.


“So we’ve set out options for reform so there can be a national discussion about the future of universal post. In the meantime, we’re making sure prices will remain affordable by capping the price of Second Class stamps.”


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Ofcom is also not proposing downgrading Royal Mail’s delivery targets – saying this is not an option for reform.


It adds:



In fact, it will be important to consider whether additional safeguards are necessary to ensure people’s needs are fully met. Any changes must improve existing levels of reliability.


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Ofcom estimates that Royal Mail could achieve a net cost saving of £100m-£200m if letter deliveries were reduced to five days; and £400m-£650m if reduced to three days.


If the large majority of letters were delivered within three days, it could achieve net cost savings of £150m-£650m, the regulator adds.

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NEWSFLASH: Ofcom is calling for the UK’s universal postal service to modernise, as it publishes its review of Royal Mail’s universal service obligation (see opening post).


The regulator is inviting views on a range of options for redesigning the universal postal service to secure its future, while ensuring it reflects the way people use it.


Ofcom points out that letter volumes have halved since 2011.


And it says options for reform include changing letter delivery speed or the number of delivery days, as other countries have done, but not downgrading delivery targets.


That could include cutting letter deliveries to just three days a week!


Ofcom says it is proposing two primary options:



  1. Making changes to existing First and Second Class and business products so that most letters are delivered through a service taking up to three days or longer, with a next-day service still available for any urgent letters.

  2. n

  3. Reducing the number of letter delivery days in the service from six to five or three. This would require Government and Parliament to change primary legislation.

  4. n

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The chair of Royal Mail’s parent company says its universal service “needs help to survive”.


Keith Williams, chairman of International Distributions Services, argues against “nostalgia for a bygone era” when assessing the future of Royal Mail.


Writing in The Times this morning, Williams says there needs to be an “honest conversation” about how to protect the one-price-goes-anywhere postal service.


He says:



The number of letters we deliver has fallen from 20 billion to 7 billion. We only deliver about four letters per address, per week.


This means we have to walk more than three times as far to deliver the same number of letters as we did before, increasing the cost per letter of each delivery.



Williams warns that Royal Mail is currently “stuck in a vicious spiral” – without reform of the regulatory system, or a subsidy – leading to “heavy losses and an unsustainable service”.


And on the possibility of Saturday letter deliveries being scrapped, Williams says there are other options…


He says:



There has been a lot of discussion about dropping letter deliveries on a Saturday, while retaining daily parcel deliveries, to tackle the problem of declining letter volumes and Royal Mail’s material financial losses.


The truth is there are a range of other options, including ways we can ensure a reliable service for time-critical mail such as hospital appointments and weekly magazines.


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Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of business, the financial market and the world economy.


Royal Mail’s future is in the spotlight today, with UK communications regulator Ofcom expected to release the findings of its review into its universal service obligation (USO).


Currently, Royal Mail is legally obliged to deliver letters six days a week and parcels five days a week, for a fixed price, something the postal operator insists is unaffordable.


Ofcom’s review will outline various options for the future of the USO, reflecting changes in the postal market as letter volumes fall, and parcel demand rises thanks to online shopping.


Possible changes to the legal requirements of the British postal service could include changing its first and second class delivery targets (which it has strugggled to hit), or higher stamp prices.


It’s also possible Ofcom could recomment changing the current six-day USO, paving the way for the axing of letter deliveries on a Saturday.


That should please Royal Mail’s parent company, International Distributions Services, which warned last week that the six-day USO was ‘simply not sustainable‘.


But that would be controversial, not least with prime minister Rishi Sunak.


Earlier this week, Sunak’s spokesman said the PM “will not countenance” scrapping postal deliveries on Saturday, as they provide “flexibility and convenience” for customers and are “important for businesses and particularly publishers”.

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Ofcom itself has said its review will set out evidence and options on “how the universal postal service might need to evolve to more closely meet consumer needs”.


They added:



“We will be inviting views on this, not consulting on specific proposals.


“It would ultimately be for the UK government and parliament to determine whether any changes are needed to the minimum requirements of the universal service.”


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The agenda



  • 7am: Ofcom expected to publish its review into the Royal Mail’s universal service

  • n

  • 9am GMT: Eurozone flash PMI report into company growth in January

  • n

  • 9.30am GMT: UK flash PMI report into company growth in January

  • n

  • 11am GMT: CBI industrial trends survey of UK manufacturing

  • n

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Abrdn 将裁员 500 人以削减成本

今天早上,资产管理公司 Abrdn 的员工传来了坏消息。

Abrdn 正在加强其成本削减计划,今天宣布将在 2024 年和 2025 年再削减 1.5 亿英镑的成本,主要涉及集团职能和支持服务。


艾伯登 说:


公民建议 正在呼吁提出解决皇家邮政“持续失败”根源的建议。

摩根·怀尔德, 临时政策主任 公民建议, 说简单地削减服务并不会自动使交付更加可靠:

“鉴于皇家邮政近五年来未能实现其目标,很明显当前的普遍服务义务 (USO) 未能实现其根本目的:保护消费者。 任何改变都必须优先考虑他们的需求,而不是皇家邮政的底线。

“我们同意提高可靠性至关重要。 迟到会产生真正的后果——人们错过重要的医疗预约、法律文件和福利决定。

“削减服务不会自动使信件递送更加可靠,因此我们必须看到解决皇家邮政持续失败原因的建议。 Ofcom 和政府必须阐明修订后的 USO 将如何开始为数百万依赖它的人提供服务。”

英国皇家邮政母公司 IDS 股价上涨

随着交易员将 Ofcom 的报告消化到其 USO 中,皇家邮政母公司 International Distribution Services 的股价在伦敦交易开始时上涨了 1.8%。


OFCOM 监管机构的梅兰妮·道斯 (Dame Melanie Dawes) 女士接受采访 #BBC早餐 关于皇家邮政未来的咨询,该咨询可能会将信件投递数量从每周六件减少到五到三件https://t.co/ZQirTB8I67 pic.twitter.com/yBtskhu0pl

— BBC 早餐 (@BBCBreakfast) 2024 年 1 月 24 日

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通信工人工会(CWU)表示,三天送货服务将“摧毁” 皇家邮政

CWU 秘书长 Dave Ward 表示工会不能支持这样的计划:




Ofcom 首席执行官梅兰妮·道斯 (Dame Melanie Dawes) 女士现参加第四台今日节目,讨论监管机构关于皇家邮政普遍服务义务的报告。

问:为什么政治家应该让皇家邮政的工作变得更轻松? 他们未能实现当前的目标,并且劳资关系很糟糕……。

道斯 同意皇家邮政不投递。 它需要提高他们的服务质量。




道斯 回复说皇家邮政是 目前处于亏损状态,并且前方有一个巨大的转变。

她补充说 Ofcom 对他们处以 550 万英镑罚款就在圣诞节前夕,因为他们的服务很差(错过了交付目标)。

道斯 补充道:




道斯 说其他一些国家已经有每隔一天的服务。


道斯 说她不建议在一等舱和二等舱之外提供第三舱服务——(我认为,这意味着一等舱将保证隔夜送达)。


邮政事务部长凯文·霍林雷克 (Kevin Hollinrake) 表示,政府致力于皇家邮政 (Royal Mail) 提供为期六天的服务(如之前标记的)。

之后发言 Ofcom 建议信件投递天数可以缩短至 5 天,甚至 3 天, 霍林拉克 告诉时代广播电台:


被问到六天的信件模式是否仍然可持续, 霍林拉克 说:

“皇家邮政前几年获得了可观的利润。 他们经历了几年困难时期,尤其是因为他们遭受了一些罢工行动。 但尽管如此,我们还是希望看到皇家邮政变得更加高效。”


“我相信皇家邮政可以建立一个可持续的模式。 但这种可持续的模式必须以六天服务为基础。”


英国通信工人工会表示,Ofcom 关于皇家邮政普遍服务义务的报告“完全是一纸空文”。

CWU 计划编写自己的关于皇家邮政未来的报告:

生活热水 秘书长 戴夫·沃德 说:

“本周对泄露信息的反应表明,CWU 成员、公众和政界人士团结一致,反对蓄意、人为地破坏邮政服务。

“在正在进行的辩论中,Ofcom 现在已经没有任何可信度,他们的观点与邮政工作人员、企业和客户之间必须进行的讨论无关。


“CWU 不会容忍这种行为。 我们现在将启动广泛的参与活动,并就皇家邮政的未来编写我们自己的报告,听取我们的会员和客户的意见。


全文:Ofcom 表示,皇家邮政通过改用每周三天的服务可以节省 6.5 亿英镑



通信监管机构表示,如果皇家邮政每周只投递三天信件,则可节省高达 6.5 亿英镑;如果停止周六投递,则可节省高达 2 亿英镑(见 6.52am)。

该监管机构表示,从每周六天减少到五天将节省 1 亿至 2 亿英镑,减少到三天将节省 4 亿至 6.5 亿英镑。 我的同事亚历克斯·劳森报道

在万众期待的评测中, 英国通信管理局 为未来的普遍服务义务(USO)制定了一系列选项,要求皇家邮政以固定价格每周六天在全国范围内投递。




Ofcom 希望听取您的意见 建议皇家邮政可以放慢速度或减少递送信件的频率

监管机构正在于 2024 年 4 月 3 日之前征求有关各方的意见,以了解对个人和企业的潜在影响。


Ofcom 将在全国各地举办活动,讨论证据和选择,在考虑反馈后,将在夏季提供更新。

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