美国 vs 乌拉圭:2024 年美洲杯 – 直播 | 美洲杯

With Timothy Weah suspended for his costly act of petulance against Panama, Yunus Musah comes into the starting lineup to reunite the “MMA” midfield (Musah, McKennie, Adams) while Gio Reyna scoots up to the front line. Everything else is the same, including the goalkeeper spot, where Matt Turner has recovered well enough to play again.


1-Turner; 5-A. Robinson, 13-Ream, 3-Richards, 22-Scally; 4-Adams, 6-Musah, 8-McKennie; 10-Pulisic, 20-Balogun, 7-Reyna

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Welcome to the most pivotal game the US men have played in nearly seven years.


In October 2017 … no, let’s not talk about that. We all know what happened. If not, Google “Couva” and a bunch of swear words.


The last World Cup qualifying cycle was a bit easier. The US weren’t in significant danger on the last matchday.


Tonight in Kansas City, the USA may well be playing for their coach’s future and for their own reputation. This is, we’re so often told, a golden generation of US players. They all ply their trade with glittering teams in Europe – Milan, Juventus, Monaco … um … PSV? Fulham? Cardiff City?


Wait – this is the USA’s golden generation?


Maybe, maybe not. But expectations have been high for a while now.


The expectation in this Copa America on home soil was certainly a date in the knockout rounds. But now that path goes through a very good Uruguay team – unless Bolivia suddenly figure out the sport and get a result against Panama.


To invoke the great American philosopher Robert Johnson: We’re going down to the crossroads. Fall down on our knees? Flag a ride? We’ll find out.

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2017 年 10 月……不,我们不要谈论这件事。我们都知道发生了什么。如果不知道,谷歌一下“Couva”和一堆脏话。


今晚在堪萨斯城, 美国 很可能是为了教练的未来和自己的名声而踢球。我们经常听说,这是美国球员的黄金一代。他们都在欧洲的顶级球队效力——米兰、尤文图斯、摩纳哥……嗯……埃因霍温?富勒姆?卡迪夫城?

等待 – 是美国的黄金一代?


美洲杯在本土举行,人们的期望当然是淘汰赛。但现在这条路要经过一段很好的 乌拉圭 队——除非玻利维亚突然搞清楚这项运动并取得对巴拿马的胜利。


Beau 很快就会来。与此同时,Gregg Berhalter 的 Tom Dart 正处于十字路口:


再说了,在美国联合主办 2026 年世界杯之前的最后一场大型锦标赛考验中,一位预计至少能进入四分之一决赛的教练却面临着小组赛出局的危险。 美洲杯除非周一在堪萨斯城对阵夺冠热门乌拉圭队时,出现看似不可能的胜利。

贝尔哈特是个好人。深受球员欢迎,尊重媒体,勤奋、体贴、真诚、关心他人。但自 2022 年卡塔尔世界杯 16 强淘汰荷兰以来,核心问题就清晰而简单:在未能进入 2018 年世界杯后,这位令人钦佩地恢复了该项目并培养了一批有天赋的年轻人走向成熟的人是否也是带领美国更上一层楼的合适人选?他会在 2026 年做得更好吗?这是自 1994 年以来在美国发展这项运动的最大单一机会?

2024-07-02 00:05:37

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