英国大选直播:鲍里斯·约翰逊首次亮相竞选活动 | 2024 年大选

Hello and welcome to the Guardian’s live coverage of the general election. With less than 48 hours to go until voting stations open, former PM Boris Johnson has made a surprise first appearance on the campaign. Johnson appeared on Tuesday night at a Tory rally in Chelsea and did not share a stage with or praise Rishi Sunak, the Guardian’s Aletha Adu reports.


Instead, he said Starmer would try to “usher in the most left-wing Labour government since the war”. Making a reference to “other parties” allegedly “full of Kremlin crawlers”, Johnson said: “Don’t let the Putinistas deliver the Corbynistas. Don’t let Putin’s pet parrots give this entire country psittacosis – which is a disease you get by the way from cosying up to pet parrots.”


With just over 24 hours to go now until voting opens, here is what is coming up today:

n Tory leader Rishi Sunak is campaigning in south-east England today.



  • Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey is also campaigning in south-east England

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  • Labour leader Keir Starmer will be campaigning nationwide, according to PA.

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  • Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is campaigning in Clacton.

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  • SNP leader John Swinney is campaigning in Cumbernauld, Glasgow and Livingston.

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  • Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie will join the candidate for Mid Dunbartonshire, Carolynn Scrimegour in Milngavie.

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  • Scotland’s deputy first minister Kate Forbes is on the campaign trail with the SNP candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, Seamus Logan.

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大家好,欢迎收看《卫报》对大选的现场报道。距离投票站开放不到 48 小时,前总理 鲍里斯·约翰逊 首次在竞选活动中出人意料地露面。约翰逊周二晚间出现在切尔西的保守党集会上,并没有与特朗普同台,也没有得到赞扬。 里希·苏纳克,卫报 他带来了阿杜 報告。


距投票开始仅剩 24 小时,以下是今天将要发生的事情:

保守党领袖 里希·苏纳克 今天正在英格兰东南部开展竞选活动。

  • 自由民主党领袖 艾德·戴维 也在英格兰东南部开展竞选活动

  • 工党领袖 凯尔·史塔默 据 PA 报道,将在全国范围内开展竞选活动。

  • 英国改革派领袖 奈杰尔·法拉奇 正在克拉克顿开展竞选活动。

  • 苏格兰民族党领袖 约翰·斯威尼 正在坎伯诺尔德、格拉斯哥和利文斯顿开展竞选活动。

  • 苏格兰绿党联合领导人 帕特里克·哈维 将与米德邓巴顿郡候选人卡罗琳·斯克里梅古尔 (Carolynn Scrimegour) 一起前往米尔盖。

  • 苏格兰副首席大臣 凯特·福布斯 正在与苏格兰民族党阿伯丁郡北部和马里东部候选人 Seamus Logan 一起参加竞选活动。


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