达沃斯第二天:雷切尔·里维斯 (Rachel Reeves) 向首席执行官推销; 布林肯、古特雷斯、马克龙和米雷将发表讲话 – 商业直播 | 商业

Back in the UK, inflation has risen unexpectedly,


The Office for National Statistics said annual inflation as measured by the consumer prices index (CPI) rose from the 3.9% reading in November, halting a period of recent declines.


City economists had forecast a modest fall to 3.8%.



The increase in the annual rate was largely the result of a government increase in tobacco duty, after the government announced higher taxes in the autumn statement. Tobacco prices rose by 16% on the year, as the cost of buying alcohol and tobacco added the largest contribution to inflation since 2006.



More here:

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More than 250 billionaires and millionaires are demanding that the political elite meeting for the World Economic Forum in Davos introduce wealth taxes to help pay for better public services around the world.


“Our request is simple: we ask you to tax us, the very richest in society,” the wealthy people said in an open letter to world leaders, adding:



“This will not fundamentally alter our standard of living, nor deprive our children, nor harm our nations’ economic growth. But it will turn extreme and unproductive private wealth into an investment for our common democratic future.”



The rich signatories from 17 countries include Disney heir Abigail Disney; Brian Cox who played fictional billionaire Logan Roy in Succession; actor and screenwriter Simon Pegg; and Valerie Rockefeller , an heir to the US dynasty…


A message that chimes well with the Green Party’s call for a wealth tax this morning… More here:

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The Green Party is challenging Labour to commit to a wealth tax, during Rachel Reeves and Jonathan Reynolds’ visit to Davos this week.


Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:



“When she attends the World Economic Forum in Davos today, Rachel Reeves will be rubbing shoulders with the super-rich who are seeing their wealth mushroom while billions around the world get poorer. Since 2020 the five richest men have added around £11 million per hour to their wealth while seven out of ten of the world’s biggest corporations have a billionaire CEO or a billionaire as their principal shareholder.


“Labour have been hesitant to challenge the grotesque levels of wealth of the super-rich. The Green Party has a clear message for the World Economic Forum: we are proud to be the Party willing to tackle inequality and implement the policies needed to create a fairer greener planet. That’s why we support the introduction of a wealth tax on the super-rich and we challenge Labour to use the platform they have at Davos to commit to the same.”


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Good morning from Davos, where the second day of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting is getting under way.


The Labour Party are launching a charm offensive to corporate leaders in Davos today.


Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves and shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds are hosting a breakfast hosted by the US investment bank JP Morgan this morning.


They’ll be telling CEOs, incuding the heads of Novo Holdings, Essar Group and Ericsson, that Labour will “restore Britain’s reputation as a place to do business”, if they win the next election.


Reeves will be pushing the ‘securenomics’ concept which she presented to last autumn’s party conference, contrasting it with “14 years of stagnant economic growth and political uncertainty” under the Conservatives.


She’s expected to explain that we are living in a new age of insecurity, saying:



The world has become a more uncertain, volatile and dangerous place. That has become ever more acute in recent days and weeks as we see wars and conflict in Europe and the Middle East.


“These conflicts are happening thousands of miles away from Britain’s shores. However, they are having a very real impact closer to home, with rising energy bills, higher prices in the shops and businesses anxious about disruptions to global trade.


“All major economies are being impacted by these global shocks, but Britain has been uniquely exposed. Fourteen years of stagnant economic growth and political uncertainty has left Britain weaker: the chaotic departure from the European Union, the turmoil under Liz Truss and now the managed decline with Rishi Sunak. This instability has turned businesses away, damaged our reputation and made us a less attractive place to do business.”



And on Labour’s strategy, Reeves will explain that business investment is at the heart of our plan for growth, pledging:



“With Labour, Britain will be open to business. We will restore stability and security into our economy. We will restore Britain’s reputation as a place to do business. And we will be a trusted partner with business in delivering the change our country and our economy needs.”



Later in the day, Reeves will speak on a panel organised by the World Economic Forum on Modern Supply-Side Economics.

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After yesterday’s focus on Ukraine, including a call for support from Volodymyr Zelenskiy, attention will turn more to the Middle East crisis today.


We’ll hear from US secretary of state Anthony Blinken, UN secretary general António Guterres, and Iran’s foreign affairs minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.


Overnight, Iran has launched airstrikes on Pakistan territory, apparently aimed at a Sunni militant group, in the latest sign of a wave of violence rolling across the Middle East and beyond.

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Later in the day, Argentina’s president Javier Milei and French leader Emmanuel Macron will both give special addresses to delegates.


The agenda



  • 10am CET / 9am GMT: A Conversation with Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State

  • n

  • 10.45am CET / 9.45am GMT: Special Address by António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations

  • n

  • 11.30am CET / 10.30am GMT: A panel discussion on “Preparing for Disease X”, including Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization and Michel Demaré, chair of AstraZeneca

  • n

  • 1.30pm CET / 12.30pm GMT: A Conversation With Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

  • n

  • 2pm CET / 1pm GMT: A discussion on “Ukraine: Unity of Purpose”, with Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and David Cameron, UK foreign secretary

  • n

  • 2.15pm CET / 1.15pm GMT: A Conversation with Mohammad Mustafa, Chairman, Palestine Investment Fund

  • n

  • 3.45pm CET / 2.45pm GMT: Special address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina

  • n

  • 5.15pm CET / 4.15pm GMT: Special Address by Emmanuel Macron, President of France

  • n

  • 5.30pm CET / 4.30pm GMT: A discussion on Modern Supply-Side Economics: Two Years On, with Rachel Reeves

  • n

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国家统计局 表示,以消费者价格指数(CPI)衡量的年度通胀率从 11 月份的 3.9% 上升,结束了近期的下滑趋势。

城市经济学家此前预测,经济增速将温和 跌至3.8%

截至 2023 年 12 月的一年中:

▪️ 包括自住业主住房成本在内的消费者物价指数 (CPIH) 上涨 4.2%,与 11 月份持平。

▪️ 消费者价格指数(CPI)上涨 4.0%,高于 11 月份的 3.9%。

➡️ https://t.co/U8NcxMkdgt pic.twitter.com/Do6AJgHNmx

— 国家统计局 (ONS) (@ONS) 2024 年 1 月 17 日

nn”,”url”:”https://twitter.com/ONS/status/1747514125226332284″,”id”:”1747514125226332284″,”hasMedia”:false,”角色”:”内联”,”isThirdPartyTracking “:false,”source”:”Twitter”,”elementId”:”3d7f6dc4-af7c-491d-8f71-5b7545fb4c7f”}}” config=”{“renderingTarget”:”Web”,”darkModeAvailable”:false}”>

截至 2023 年 12 月的一年中:

▪️ 包括自住业主住房成本在内的消费者物价指数 (CPIH) 上涨 4.2%,与 11 月份持平。

▪️ 消费者价格指数(CPI)上涨 4.0%,高于 11 月份的 3.9%。

➡️ https://t.co/U8NcxMkdgt pic.twitter.com/Do6AJgHNmx

— 国家统计局 (ONS) (@ONS) 2024 年 1 月 17 日

年税率的增加主要是政府在秋季声明中宣布提高烟草税后增加烟草税的结果。 烟草价格同比上涨 16%,购买烟酒的成本对通胀的贡献达到 2006 年以来的最高水平。

尽管燃料价格大幅下跌,英国通胀仍意外上升 https://t.co/I5cynjizB3

— 理查德·帕廷顿 (@RJPartington) 2024 年 1 月 17 日

nn”,”url”:”https://twitter.com/RJPartington/status/1747515529923842408″,”id”:”1747515529923842408″,”hasMedia”:false,”角色”:”内联”,”isThirdPartyTracking “:false,”source”:”Twitter”,”elementId”:”82887d7b-0914-4747-9b38-43d3f15cbbdb”}}” config=”{“renderingTarget”:”Web”,”darkModeAvailable”:false}”/ >





超过 250 名亿万富翁和百万富翁要求世界经济论坛的政治精英会议 达沃斯 引入财富税,以帮助支付世界各地更好的公共服务费用。

“我们的要求很简单:我们要求你们向我们这些社会上最富有的人征税,”富人在 致世界领导人的公开信,添加:

“这不会从根本上改变我们的生活水平,也不会剥夺我们的孩子的权利,也不会损害我们国家的经济增长。 但这会将极端且非生产性的私人财富转变为对我们共同民主未来的投资。”

来自17个国家的富有签名者包括 迪士尼继承人阿比盖尔·迪士尼; 布莱恩·考克斯在《继承之战》中饰演虚构的亿万富翁洛根·罗伊; 演员兼编剧西蒙·佩吉; 还有美国王朝的继承人瓦莱丽·洛克菲勒……

一条与 绿党的号召 今天早上征收财富税……更多 这里


绿党正在挑战工党承诺征收财富税, 雷切尔·里夫斯 以及乔纳森·雷诺兹本周对达沃斯的访问。

绿党联合领导人阿德里安·拉姆齐 (Adrian Ramsay) 表示:

“当雷切尔·里夫斯今天出席达沃斯世界经济论坛时,她将与超级富豪擦肩而过,他们看到自己的财富在不断增加,而世界各地数十亿人却在变得更加贫穷。 自2020年以来,五位最富有的人增加了 他们的财富每小时约 1100 万英镑 而世界上最大的十家公司中有七家拥有亿万富翁首席执行官或亿万富翁 作为他们的主要股东

“工党一直犹豫是否要挑战超级富豪的荒唐财富水平。 绿党向世界经济论坛传达了一个明确的信息:我们很自豪能够成为愿意解决不平等问题并实施创造更公平、更绿色地球所需政策的政党。 这就是为什么我们支持对超级富豪征收财富税,并要求工党利用他们在达沃斯的平台做出同样的承诺。”

简介:雷切尔·里夫斯 (Rachel Reeves) 在达沃斯向商界领袖推介

早上好,来自 达沃斯世界经济论坛年会第二天即将开幕。


影子财政大臣 雷切尔 里夫斯 和影子商务秘书 乔纳森 雷诺兹 今天上午我们将举办由美国投资银行摩根大通主办的早餐会。

他们将告诉首席执行官,包括Novo Holdings、Essar Group和爱立信的负责人,如果他们赢得下次选举,工党将“恢复英国作为经商之地的声誉”。

里夫斯 将会推动 她在去年秋天的党的会议上提出的“安全经济学”概念,与保守党领导下的“14年经济增长停滞和政治不确定性”形成鲜明对比。


世界变得更加不确定、动荡和危险。 最近几天和几周,随着我们看到欧洲和中东的战争和冲突,这种情况变得更加严重。

“这些冲突发生在距离英国海岸数千英里之外的地方。 然而,它们正在对离家较近的地方产生非常现实的影响,能源费用上涨,商店价格上涨,企业担心全球贸易受到干扰。

“所有主要经济体都受到这些全球冲击的影响,但英国受到的影响是独一无二的。 十四年的经济增长停滞和政治不确定性使英国变得更加虚弱:混乱的脱欧、利兹·特拉斯领导下的动荡,以及现在里希·苏纳克领导下的有控制的衰落。 这种不稳定使企业望而却步,损害了我们的声誉,并降低了我们做生意的吸引力。”


“有了工党,英国将对商业开放。 我们将恢复经济的稳定和安全。 我们将恢复英国作为经商之地的声誉。 我们将成为企业值得信赖的合作伙伴,帮助我们实现国家和经济所需的变革。”

当天晚些时候,里夫斯将在世界经济论坛组织的现代供应方小组会议上发表讲话 经济学

继昨天关注乌克兰之后,包括呼吁来自 弗拉基米尔 泽伦斯基,今天的注意力将更多地转向中东危机。

我们将听取美国国务卿的意见 安东尼 眨眼联合国秘书长 安东尼奥 古特雷斯和伊朗外交部长, 侯赛因 阿米尔-阿卜杜拉希安


当天晚些时候,阿根廷总统 哈维尔 怜悯 和法国领导人 以马内利 马克龙 两人都会向代表们发表特别讲话。


  • 欧洲中部时间上午 10 点/格林威治标准时间上午 9 点:与美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯的对话

  • 欧洲中部时间上午 10.45 分/格林尼治标准时间上午 9.45 分:联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯的特别讲话

  • 欧洲中部时间上午 11.30 / 格林尼治标准时间上午 10.30:关于“为疾病 X 做好准备”的小组讨论,包括世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞和阿斯利康主席米歇尔·德马雷

  • 欧洲中部时间下午 1.30 / 格林尼治标准时间中午 12.30:与伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长侯赛因·阿米尔-阿卜杜拉赫安的对话

  • 欧洲中部时间下午 2 点/格林威治标准时间下午 1 点:与乌克兰外交部长德米特罗·库莱巴 (Dmytro Kuleba) 和英国外交大臣戴维·卡梅伦 (David Cameron) 讨论“乌克兰:目标统一”

  • 欧洲中部时间下午 2.15 分/格林威治标准时间下午 1.15 分:与巴勒斯坦投资基金主席穆罕默德·穆斯塔法的对话

  • 下午 3.45 点(欧洲中部时间)/下午 2.45 点(格林威治标准时间):阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱 (Javier Milei) 的特别讲话

  • 欧洲中部时间下午 5.15 分 / 格林威治标准时间下午 4.15 分:法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的特别讲话

  • 欧洲中部时间下午 5.30 / 格林威治标准时间下午 4.30:与 Rachel Reeves 讨论现代供给方经济学:两年后

2024-01-17 07:34:15

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