阿斯顿维拉 vs 阿森纳:女子超级联赛 – 直播 | 女子超级联赛

Aston Villa: Leat, Mayling, Patten, Nobbs, Daly, Dali, Turner, Salmon, Leon, Maritz, Pacheco


Subs: Poor, Corsie, Lehmann, Gregory, Mullett, MaGill, Taylor, MacPhail, Sallaway


Arsenal: Zinsberger, Fox, Wubben-Moy, Williamson, McCabe, Mead, Little, Pelova, Lacasse, Maanum, Russo


Subs: D’Angelo, Williams, Catley, Wienroither, Codina, Reid, Cooney-Cross, Foord, Blackstenius

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Arsenal’s arrival was delayed by travel issues. We will now be kicking off at 7.30pm GMT, 45 minutes later than the original plan.


Arsenal are desperately clinging to the hope they can still win the title but, in all honesty, the chance went with defeat to Chelsea. But here they are for another week of WSL larks as they look to maintain distance between themselves and fourth. Arsenal will be aiming to get back on track in the West Midlands, not least by bringing the correct socks for the fixture.


Villa are highly unlikely to match last season’s fifth place but are desperate to finish in the top half. They currently sit seventh and will be little nervous after their recent 4-0 defeat to today’s opponents in the Conti Cup. The very exciting news is that Carla Ward’s side are hosting the match at Villa Park and will be hoping for a big as part of Women’s Football Weekend.


Here’s to a cracker.


(Delayed) kick off: 7.30pm GMT

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阿斯顿维拉: 利特、梅林、彭定康、诺布斯、戴利、戴利、特纳、萨蒙、莱昂、马里兹、帕切科

替补: 普尔、科西、莱曼、格雷戈里、马利特、马吉尔、泰勒、麦克菲尔、萨拉维

兵工厂: 辛斯伯格、福克斯、乌本-莫伊、威廉姆森、麦凯布、米德、利特尔、佩洛瓦、拉卡斯、马努姆、鲁索

替补: 德安吉洛、威廉姆斯、卡特利、维恩罗伊瑟、科迪纳、里德、库尼-克罗斯、福德、布莱克斯坦纽斯


阿森纳的抵达因旅行问题而被推迟。 我们将于格林尼治标准时间晚上 7.30 开始,比原计划晚了45分钟。

阿森纳拼命地坚持着他们仍然能够赢得冠军的希望,但说实话,这个机会随着输给切尔西而消失了。 但他们又迎来了一周的 WSL 欢乐时光,因为他们希望保持与第四名之间的距离。 阿森纳的目标是在西米德兰兹郡重回正轨,尤其是为比赛带来正确的袜子。

维拉不太可能追平上赛季的第五名,但迫切希望进入上半区。 他们目前排名第七,在最近的孔蒂杯中以 4-0 输给今天的对手后,他们不会感到紧张。 非常令人兴奋的消息是卡拉沃德的球队将在维拉公园举办这场比赛,并希望能在女子足球周末中看到一场盛大的比赛。


(延迟)开球:格林威治标准时间晚上 7.30

2024-03-24 18:37:52

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