2024 年欧洲杯:英格兰闯入四分之一决赛,外加两场 16 强比赛的反应 – 直播 | 2024 年欧洲杯

Morning. So Harry Kane said England would “trust the process” against Slovakia. Was 95 minutes of constipation followed by two minutes of rapid relief the process? Something’s got to change, huh? A lot of criticism was levelled at Gareth Southgate for not being more bold with his substitutions but, on this occasion, not withdrawing Jude Bellingham worked a treat, with the ridiculously talented youngster finding a way – Real Madrid-style – with a sublime overhead kick to fashion a late escape. England face impressive Switzerland on Saturday in the quarter-finals and will need to improve immeasurably to progress to the last four. But for now, let’s look back on a dramatic night with some fine writing from David Hytner, Barney Ronay, Jonathan Liew and Paul MacInnes.


Spain, too, had an early scare against Georgia but they soon made it look like a nothing more than a hiccup as they raced away in the second half to send the funtime underdogs home with a 4-1 victory and two fine displays from Nico Williams and Yamine Lamal.


We have two more last-16 ties later on, with the mouthwatering prospect of France v Belgium at 5pm and then Portugal v Slovenia at 8pm. You can check out all of our Euro 2024 coverage here.

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两名进球的球员,你可能会在比赛结束前 15 分钟就被换下场,因为他们看起来站不稳了,但这就是他们的能力。哈里和裘德,你看着他们,想着:“我们应该更新这些位置吗?”但你知道他们有能力做到他们所做的。当人们想要改变时,你必须保持球队的平衡,做一些你认为肯定会改善的事情。我认为我们在本届锦标赛上所做的几乎所有改变都产生了影响。”

约翰·斯通斯(John Stones)——如果你认为你以前听过这句话,请阻止我——恳求他的英格兰队友“放下手刹”。



早晨。 因此哈里·凯恩表示,英格兰队将“相信对阵斯洛伐克的比赛进程”。 两分钟快速缓解 过程?有些事情必须改变,对吧?许多人批评索斯盖特在换人时不够大胆,但这一次, 不退出裘德·贝林汉姆工作了一个款待, 这位才华横溢的年轻人找到了办法——皇家马德里风格——用一记绝妙的倒钩射门,在比赛最后时刻逃脱。英格兰队将在周六的四分之一决赛中面对实力不俗的瑞士队,他们需要取得巨大进步才能晋级四强。但现在,让我们回顾一下这个戏剧性的夜晚,看看一些来自 大卫·希特纳巴尼·罗奈刘志强保罗·麦金尼斯

西班牙队在对阵格鲁吉亚队的比赛中也遭遇了开场惊吓,但他们很快就让这场比赛看起来不过是小意外,他们在下半场奋力反击,以一粒进球将这支曾经的弱旅送回了家。 4-1 胜利 还有 Nico Williams 和 Yamine Lamal 的两场精彩表演。

稍后我们还有两场 16 强比赛,其中最令人期待的要数下午 5 点举行的法国对阵比利时,以及晚上 8 点举行的葡萄牙对阵斯洛文尼亚。您可以查看我们所有的 2024 年欧洲杯报道请点击此处

2024-07-01 07:42:46

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