ULMWP 指责印尼政府谴责以色列是虚伪的

该组织呼吁联合国人权理事会立即组建调查团,调查涉嫌侵犯人权的行为。照片:法新社/ Andrew Gal

西巴布亚独立支持者呼吁印尼 谴责以色列虚伪 考虑到其在巴布亚的占领已有61年。




该组织呼吁联合国人权理事会 (UNHRC) 立即组建实况调查团,调查涉嫌侵犯人权的行为。他们还要求对印度尼西亚的联合国成员国身份进行审查。


ULMWP 请求印尼允许两国领导人访问巴布亚。


“巴勒斯坦、加沙和西岸当然得到了联合国 130 多个国家的承认。与此同时,西巴布亚主要在 7 个或 10 个国家之间进行讨论,因此很难进行比较。”



ULMWP 执行秘书马库斯·哈鲁克 (Markus Haluk) 再次呼吁联合国派遣实况调查团。


联合国一直在呼吁印尼政府访问。 [ in 2019 in principle even agreed to a visit by the Human Rights Commissioner but that promise has not been fulfilled.

Haluk said the “big brothers” in the region – referring to New Zealand and Australia – could bring up the UN fact finding mission when the nation’s leaders meet with their Indonesian counterparts.

“There has been several visits by the leaders but it seems like the issue of West Papua is not as important as the other issues such as trade.”

‘Refusing to take responsibility’

Former New Zealand Greens member of parliament Catherine Delahunty said she feels frustrated that West Papua has not got the attention it should, especially considering it’s in “our own backyard”.

Nearly all foreign media has been banned from entering West Papua.

“Anyone that criticises the regime has great difficulty getting into that country to report and local journalists are subjected to sustained threats and so we’re in a very unhealthy situation in terms of public understanding of just how drastic the situation is.”

Delahunty said Indonesia has been intimidating smaller nations, while larger ones like New Zealand and Australia are “refusing to act”.

“They are refusing to take responsibility for their own part in allowing this to continue.”

She said New Zealand and Australia could create consequences for Indonesia if it continues to not allow the fact-finding mission, by doing things like stopping military exchanges.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said New Zealand “follows human rights developments closely, and takes all allegations of human rights violations seriously”.

“New Zealand continues to register concerns about the human rights situation in Papua via appropriate fora. New Zealand encourages Indonesia to promote and protect the rights of all its citizens, and to be transparent in policy relating to Papua.

“New Zealand recognises Indonesia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, including in Papua.”

In a statement to RNZ Pacific, the Indonesian Embassy in Wellington, said the government of Indonesia is committed to accelerate the development of all provinces “including our brothers and sisters in Papua” to lead and enjoy a prosperous way of life.

“Papua is highly respected as an honourable region and will continue to be maintained as such,” it said.

#ULMWP #指责印尼政府谴责以色列是虚伪的
2024-06-18 03:24:42

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