Vistry 向 Blackstone 出售 1,750 套房屋;英国 5 月份零售额小幅上涨 – 商业直播 | 商业

UK and European shares are in the red, while oil prices are falling as investors expect more supply later in the year.


The FTSE 100 index in London is down 34 points, or 0.4%, while Germany’s Dax and France’s CAC have both lost around 0.3% and Italy’s FTSE MiB has fallen nearly 0.7%.


The oil market is also down, with Brent crude falling 1.1%, or 88 cents, at $77.48 a barrel, while US light crude has lost 1.5%, or $1.09, to $73.14 a barrel.


The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and allies led by Russia, a group known as Opec+, on Sunday agreed to extend most of their oil output cuts into 2025 –- but left rom for voluntary cuts from eight members to be gradually unwound from October.

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Airbus is negotiating a major sales of more than 100 wide-body A330neo jets to China, with talks gaining momentum since president Xi Jinping visited his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron last month, Bloomberg News reported.


Some of the biggest Chinese airlines are considering buying the upgraded A330 models. The terms are still being discussed and the timing is uncertain.

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Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of business, the financial markets, and the world economy.


Vistry Group, one of Britain’s biggest housebuilders, is to sell a portfolio of 1,750 new build homes to the private equity firms Blackstone Real Estate and Regis Group in a £580m deal. The portfolio will be managed by the private rented housing firm Leaf Living, which is backed by funds managed by Blackstone and Regis.


The portfolio, which is concentrated in the south-east of England, consists of 1,750 homes across 36 Vistry developments. The first completions are expected by the end of June, with the majority of homes expected to complete within the next two years.


Vistry is in the process of selling off properties from its housebuilding division as the company moves towards focusing on its partnerships business, which builds affordable housing for government and non-profit partners.


Greg Fitzgerald, chief executive of Vistry, formerly known as Bovis Homes, said:



By working in partnership with organisations like Leaf Living we can maximise the number of high-quality homes we deliver every year. This agreement supports our differentiated business model, with the certainty provided by the pre-selling of homes enabling us to accelerate our build programmes, guarantee work for our supply chain, reduce sales and build costs and create vibrant new communities.


This year we are on track to deliver more than a 10% increase in new home completions, playing a key part in helping to address the UK’s acute housing shortage.



Blackstone has been investing in UK residential property and acquired 2,915 homes for £819m from Vistry in November. James Seppala, head of European real estate at the firm, said:



Institutional private capital can play an important role in providing high quality housing stock across the UK, particularly in the private rented sector which is significantly undersupplied today. Partnerships such as these can meaningfully accelerate the delivery of new homes and help alleviate structural undersupply across the sector.



Retail sales in the UK eked out modest growth last month, despite a strong bank holiday weekend for retailers.


Sales grew by 0.7% year on year in May, against growth of 3.9% in May last year, according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC). Food sales growth slowed to 3.% year on year in the three months to May from 9.6% a year ago. Non-food sales declined by 2.4%, against growth of 0.7% a year ago.


Helen Dickinson, the BRC’s chief executive, said:



Despite a strong bank holiday weekend for retailers, minimal improvement to weather across most of May meant only a modest rebound in retail sales last month. Although non-food sales fell over the course of the month, the long weekend did see increased purchases of DIY and gardening equipment, as well as strong clothing sales. Growth in computing sales reached their highest levels since the pandemic, with many consumers continuing to upgrade tech bought during that period. Retailers remain optimistic that major events such as the Euros and the Olympics will bolster consumer confidence this summer.




  • 8.55am BST: Germany unemployment for May

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  • 9.30am BST: UK Mergers & acquisitions

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  • 10am BST: Former Post Office finance chief Chris Day to testify in Horizon inquiry

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  • 3pm BST: US Factory Orders for April

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伦敦富时 100 指数下跌 34 点,跌幅 0.4%,德国 Dax 指数和法国 CAC 指数均下跌约 0.3%,意大利 FTSE MiB 指数下跌近 0.7%。

石油市场也下跌,布伦特原油下跌 1.1%,或 88 美分,至每桶 77.48 美元,而美国轻质原油下跌 1.5%,或 1.09 美元,至每桶 73.14 美元。

石油输出国组织(欧佩克)及其以俄罗斯为首的盟友(称为“欧佩克+”)周日同意将大部分石油减产协议延长至 2025 年,但八个成员国的自愿减产协议将从 10 月起逐步取消。


报道称,空客正就向中国出售 100 架宽体客机进行谈判

空客 正在就向中国出售 100 多架宽体 A330neo 喷气式飞机进行谈判,自总统上任以来,谈判势头强劲 Xi Jinping 拜访了法国外长 伊曼纽尔·马克龙 据彭博新闻社上个月报道。

中国几家大型航空公司正在考虑购买升级版的 A330 机型。具体条款仍在讨论中,具体时间尚不确定。

一架空客 A330neo 飞机。 照片:Benoît Tessier/路透社

简介:Vistry 向 Blackstone 出售 1,750 套房屋;英国 5 月份零售额小幅上涨


维斯特里集团是英国最大的房屋建筑商之一,将向私募股权公司出售 1,750 套新建住宅组合 黑石地产瑞吉斯集团 交易金额为 5.8 亿英镑。该投资组合将由私人租赁住房公司管理 叶子生活该公司由 Blackstone 和 Regis 管理的基金支持。

该投资组合集中在英格兰东南部,包括 36 个 Vistry 开发项目中的 1,750 套住宅。首批住宅预计将于 6 月底竣工,大部分住宅预计将在未来两年内竣工。

Vistry 目前正在出售其房屋建筑部门的房产,因为该公司正转向专注于合作业务,为政府和非营利合作伙伴建造经济适用房。

格雷格·菲茨杰拉德Vistry(原名 Bovis Homes)首席执行官表示:

通过与 Leaf Living 等组织合作,我们可以最大限度地增加每年交付的优质住宅数量。该协议支持我们差异化的商业模式,房屋预售带来的确定性使我们能够加快建设计划,保证供应链的工作,降低销售和建设成本,并创建充满活力的新社区。

今年,我们有望实现新房竣工量增长 10% 以上,为解决英国严重的住房短缺问题发挥关键作用。

黑石集团一直在投资英国住宅房地产,并于 11 月以 8.19 亿英镑的价格从 Vistry 手中收购了 2,915 套住宅。 詹姆斯·塞帕拉该公司欧洲房地产主管表示:



根据英国零售商协会 (BRC) 的数据,5 月份销售额同比增长 0.7%,而去年 5 月份的增幅为 3.9%。截至 5 月的三个月内,食品销售额同比增长从去年同期的 9.6% 放缓至 3.%。非食品销售额下降 2.4%,而去年同期的增长率为 0.7%。

海伦·迪金森BRC 首席执行官表示:

尽管零售商度过了一个强劲的银行假期周末,但 5 月大部分时间天气的微小改善意味着上个月零售额仅出现小幅反弹。尽管非食品销售额在整个月内下降,但长周末确实出现了 DIY 和园艺设备购买量的增加,服装销售也表现强劲。计算机销售额的增长达到了疫情以来的最高水平,许多消费者继续升级在此期间购买的技术。零售商仍然乐观地认为,欧洲杯和奥运会等重大事件将在今年夏天增强消费者信心。

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