在关键的欧盟峰会之前,欧洲各国首都的紧张局势加剧 – 欧洲直播法国

With only days to go until Thursday’s summit of EU leaders, it is still unclear whether 26 heads of state and government can convince Hungary’s Viktor Orbán to agree to long-term financial aid for Ukraine.


A senior European diplomat told the Guardian this morning that member states are united when it comes to opposing Budapest’s demands.



I hope so, even though as usual he will try to extract as many concessions as possible.


This time, however, I hope that there is little for him to gain – Member States are quite united against unreasonable four demands of Hungary – and at the same time there are messages being passed about possible consequences for Hungary’s continued obstructive behaviour.



A senior European official, meanwhile, said the summit can go several ways.



Hard to say, I think all options are open.


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European capitals are on tenterhooks as leaders prepare to meet in Brussels later this week for a summit intended to seal a deal on long-term funding for Ukraine.


Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, blocked a proposed €50 billion EU package for Kyiv late last year, prompting leaders to schedule the February 1 gathering with the hope of reaching a compromise.


The package, a mix of grants and loans, would provide a lifeline for Ukraine’s economy.


But while Budapest insists that it has proposed a compromise, the sides have yet to come to an agreement. Hungary appears to want a deal that would allow it to block the flow of aid to Kyiv in the future.


Meanwhile, frustrations are growing with Hungary’s leadership – and not just because of the Ukrainian aid.


Budapest is continuing to delay Sweden’s Nato accession, as the Hungary parliament remains the only legislature within the defensive alliance that has yet to sign off on Swedish membership.


A meeting between Orbán and his Swedish counterpart, Ulf Kristersson, could take place on the sidelines of the EU summit in Brussels this week.

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Good morning and welcome back to the Europe blog.


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距离周四的欧盟领导人峰会仅剩几天时间,目前尚不清楚 26 位国家元首和政府首脑能否说服匈牙利政府 维克托·欧尔班 同意向乌克兰提供长期财政援助。








匈牙利总理, 维克托·欧尔班去年年底,欧盟针对基辅提出的 500 亿欧元一揽子计划遭到否决,促使各国领导人将会议安排在 2 月 1 日,希望能够达成妥协。


但尽管布达佩斯坚称已提出妥协方案,但双方尚未达成协议。 匈牙利似乎希望达成一项协议,使其能够阻止未来向基辅提供援助。

与此同时,人们对匈牙利领导层的不满情绪与日俱增 — — 这不仅仅是因为乌克兰的援助。


欧尔班与瑞典同行的会面, 乌尔夫·克里斯特森,可能会在本周布鲁塞尔欧盟峰会期间举行。


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