阿根廷收藏家 Eduardo Costantini 以 2850 万美元收购 Leonora Carrington 的杰作

阿根廷收藏家 Eduardo Costantini 以 2850 万美元收购 Leonora Carrington 的杰作
阿根廷收藏家 Eduardo Costantini 以 2850 万美元收购 Leonora Carrington 的杰作

标志性绘画,超现实主义的里程碑 (今年庆祝了这一运动一百周年)拉丁美洲艺术的杰作,利奥诺拉·卡林顿(Leonora Carrington)的《达戈贝托的分心》(The Distractions of Dagoberto)已达到 2850万美元 在纽约苏富比拍卖行举行的一场拍卖会上。 买家是阿根廷收藏家爱德华多·科斯坦蒂尼(Eduardo F. Costantini),他是布宜诺斯艾利斯(马尔巴)拉丁美洲艺术博物馆的创始人。 它的起价估计在 12 至 1800 万美元之间。 之后 长达十分钟的竞价战成交额达到 2,850 万美元,打破了苏富比 2022 年创下的 330 万美元的纪录。

它大约 30 年前首次出现在市场上,并被广泛认为是 卡林顿的杰作。 画在 [1945, just two years after the artist arrived in Mexico from Europe as part of a wave of surrealist artists who emigrated to America after the war, displays rich surrealist images and luminous colors on a large scale. It marked the beginning of a period of transformative productivity and independence for the artist. Once in Mexico City, together with the community of exiled surrealists, including Varus remediesand Mexican painters such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, Carrington shook off the role of “muse” assigned to her André Breton to achieve an unprecedented level of mastery and freedom in his painting. The 59th Venice Biennaletitled 'The milk of dreams'used Carrington's work as a thematic framework, exploring the definition and limits of humanity and the relationship between people and the natural world.

This new record price places Leonora Carrington among the five most sought-after female artists on the market, along with Georgia O'Keeffe, Frida Kahlo, Louise Bourgeoisy Joan Mitchell and among the four most valuable surrealist artists at auction, surpassing Max Ernst and Salvador Dalí. It also makes Carrington the most expensive British-born artist at auction.

Indomitable, rebellious, passionate, free. Fairy, witch, shaman, healer. Visionary of feminism and ecology. Surrealist painter, writer, tapestry weaver. Leonora Carrington (Clayton-le-Woods, Lancashire, England, 1917-Mexico City, 2011) lived enchanted territories, populated by fantastic beings, in a fascinating universe where humans become animals and they speak. Last year, the Mapfre Foundation dedicated a complete anthology to him, the first in Spain, which brought together 188 works.

Other women artists did excellently at Sotheby's auction on Wednesday. Thus, a work of Varus remedies (4.2 million dollars) and another Leonor Fini ($445,000) sold above their highest estimates. And a relief of Sophie Taeuber-Arp It was auctioned for $889,000: it is the artist's most important work to appear at auction in 20 years. It had remained in the collection of prominent Venezuelan modernist architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva and his family since its acquisition from Taeuber-Arp's husband, the celebrated sculptor Jean Arp, around 1957.

Eduardo F. Costantini, next to 'Baile en Tehuantepec', by Diego Rivera


Eduardo F. Costantini (Buenos Aires, 1946) has taken over some of the Latin American masterpieces. In 2021 he paid $34.9 million for a self-portrait by Frida Kahlo, 'Diego and I' (1949), in an auction also held at Sotheby's in New York. It became the most expensive work of Latin American art in history. The passion (almost obsession) for Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera comes from afar. He did not give up his efforts for 20 years until he had two iconic works by both artists in his hands. Both were put up for auction in 1995, coming from the IBM Collectionbut he could only acquire then 'Self-portrait with parrot and monkey' (1942), by Frida Kahlo. She paid 3 million dollars for it. In 2016 she had a second chance to buy 'Dance in Tehuantepec' (1928), by Diego Rivera. And that time he didn't waste it. He spent $15.7 million, a record at the time for a work of Latin American art, although it was in a private sale and not at auction. That painting was seen for the first time, along with 12 other works from his personal collection, in the exhibition 'A look at the Costantini Collection' at the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid in 2017. It also houses a seminal work by Tarsila do Amaral, 'Abaporú', an icon of Brazilian art.

The businessman – made his fortune in the real estate and financial market – donated more than 200 works in 2001 for the creation of the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (Malba), an international reference. For him, “collecting is a drug and the collector is a sick person without a solution.” In June 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, Costantini added other key pieces of Latin American art to his collection, sold at an auction at Sotheby's, which was broadcast live around the world simultaneously from New York, London and Hong Kong. Specifically, he acquired 'Omi Obini' (1943), by Wifredo Lamfor 9.6 million dollars, and 'Harmony', by Remedios Varo, for 6.2 million. In both cases, new records for these artists.

#阿根廷收藏家 #Eduardo #Costantini #以 #万美元收购 #Leonora #Carrington #的杰作
2024-05-16 15:30:43

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