邮局 IT 调查:Vennells 承认从皇家邮政私有化招股说明书中删除了 Horizo​​n 问题 – 直播 | 邮局 Horizo​​n 丑闻

Vennells 承认在 2013 年将有关 Horizo​​n 系统的描述从皇家邮政私有化招股说明书中删除

爱德华·亨利 KC 目前正在从政治角度来看待这起丑闻。Second Sight 的中期报告揭露了 Horizo​​n 的一些漏洞,该报告于 2013 年 7 月发布,当时联合政府正处于 皇家邮政计划上市

虽然 邮局 和皇家邮政当时已经分离,但在公众心目中,它们仍然有着内在的联系,亨利表示,如果 Horizo​​n 的问题被曝光,那将是一场政治噩梦,而富士通的加雷思·詹金斯现在被认为是不可靠的证人,这会危及起诉,而此时皇家邮政股份的出售正在进行中。






这是最后一刻。我根本没有参与招股说明书。我不记得这是怎么发生的。有人告诉我,在皇家邮政招股说明书的 IT 部分提到了与 Horizo​​n It 系统相关的风险,我现在记不清具体是什么词了。

似乎找错了地方。所以他们说 Horizo​​n 系统没有发现任何系统性问题。Horizo​​n 系统不再与皇家邮政集团有任何关系。所以我联系了公司秘书,说我不明白为什么会出现在这里,请问我们可以把它删除吗?

这句话被删除了。亨利指出,皇家邮政和邮政局在 2012 年分离之前不安全的定罪可能会成为新私有化的皇家邮政的负担。例如,2010 年备受瞩目的 Seema Misra 定罪案,詹金斯在该案中提供了证据。




椅子 温·威廉姆斯 介入说,这类质询对他来说完全是新事物,亨利和他的团队能否将所有相关文件通知首席律师,以便调查小组阅读。该调查于 2020 年 9 月以非法定形式成立,并于 2021 年 6 月转为法定调查。

Edward Henry KC is driving at the political angle of the scandal now. The Second Sight interim report revealing some bugs in Horizon was being published in July 2013 just at the time the then coalition government was looking to float Royal Mail.


Although Post Office and Royal Mail had separated by then, in the minds of the public they were still intrinsically linked and Henry is suggesting it would have been a political nightmare if problems with Horizon were exposed, and that Gareth Jenkins of Fujitsu was now considered an unreliable witness, which was endangering prosecutions, at the exact same time as the sale of Royal Mail shares was progressing.


Vennells tells him “I had no conversations about any strategy around the Royal Mail privatisation.”


Henry said “I suggest what must have been uppermost in your mind was keep the lid on this because of course you wanted to please stakeholders.”


She said: “I don’t think it was ever my style to try to please or to keep him with people” and stressed she had no role in the privatisation.


Henry then goes on to ask why she edited the Royal Mail privatisation prospectus.


She says:



This was very last minute. I wasn’t involved in the prospectus at all. I can’t remember how this occurred. It was flagged to me that in the IT section of the Royal Mail propsectus there was a reference to, I can’t remember the words now, but risks related to the Horizon It system.


It seemed the wrong place. So the line that was put in said that no systemic issues have been found with the Horizon system. The Horizon system was no longer anything to do with the Royal Mail group. So I got in touch with the company secretary, and said I don’t understand why this is here, please can we have it removed?



The line was removed. Henry points out that the unsafe convictions before the Royal Mail and Post Office separated in 2012 would have been a liability for the newly privatised Royal Mail. That included, for example, the high profile 2010 conviction of Seema Misra, in which Jenkins gave evidence.


Henry then points to an email after the reference was removed from the document where Vennells told the chair “I earned my keep.”


“You really had earned your keep on that one, hadn’t you?” Henry said. “You kept the lid on it.”


She repeats she had “no involvement with this” ie the prospectus, except for what she says is “this very last minute intervention”. It is difficult to see how a “last minute intervention” can also be “no involvement”.


Chair Wyn Williams intervenes to say this line of questioning is entirely new to him, and could Henry and his team notify the lead counsel of all the relevant documents so the inquiry team can read them. The inquiry was established in non-statutory form in September 2020, and converted to a statutory inquiry in June 2021.

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Paula Vennells has told the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry that the business of the inquiry has been a full-time job for her for a year as she agreed with Edward Henry KC that she had “no one to blame” for her downfall except herself.


The former Post Office CEO, who stepped away from the business in 2019, said:



From when the Court of Appeal passed its judgment, I lost all the employment that I had, and since that time, I have only worked on this inquiry. It has been really important to me to do what I didn’t, or was unable to do at the time I was chief executive – and I have worked for three years and prioritised this above anything else – for the past year it has probably been a full-time job.


I have avoided talking to the press, perhaps to my own detriment, because all the way through, I have put this first and I was not working alone on this. I cannot think that any of the major decisions I took by myself in isolation of anybody. I did my best through this. And it wasn’t good enough, and that is a regret I carry with me.



Henry asked: “You have no one to blame but yourself, do you agree?”


Vennells replied: “Absolutely. Where I made mistakes and where I made the wrong calls … where I had information and I made the wrong calls, yes of course.”


Vennells has told the inquiry that colleagues withheld important information, including legal advices, from her, but that she did not think there had been a conspiracy.


Henry challenged her: “What I’m going to suggest to you is that whatever you did was deliberate, considered and calculated. No one deceived you, no one misled you. You set the agenda and the tone for the business.”


She responded:



I was the chief executive, I did not set the agenda for the work of the scheme and the way the legal and the IT parts of it worked. I had to rely on those colleagues who were experts and I had no reason not to take the advice that I was given. I accept I was chief executive and, as I have said, as a chief executive you have ultimate accountability and that is simply fact.


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Former Post Office CEO Paula Vennells has begun giving her third and final day of oral testimony at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry in London, where she will be questioned by legal teams representing victims of the scandal.


On Wednesday, the inquiry published her written witness statements, which run to nearly 800 pages and can be found here and here. Vennells was criticised by lead counsel Jason Beer KC about the witness statements, saying “given you provided a 775 page witness statement that took seven months to write, could you not have reflected on what you could and should have done fully and differently within the witness statement?”


The inquiry is presided over by Wyn Williams, who will be attending remotely on Friday. He has praised the public gallery for their restraint during the hearing, but did intervene to admonish them yesterday when loud groans greeted one of Vennells’ non-answers.


The video feed of the inquiry runs on a three-minute delay, and the hearing is scheduled to run from 9.45am to 4.30pm today, but often wraps up slightly earlier on a Friday. You can watch it here, and we will bring you the key lines and exchanges as they emerge.

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The former CEO of the Post Office, Paula Vennells, will face a third day of questioning in London today at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry.


Unlike the previous two days, when she was questioned by lead counsel for the inquiry Jason Beer KC, today she will be quizzed directly by legal teams representing some of the victims of the scandal, which has been described as “the biggest single series of wrongful convictions in British legal history” by the Criminal Cases Review Commission.


The hearing is scheduled to begin at 9.45am, and you will be able to watch it here. The feed has a three minute time delay.

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保拉·文内尔斯 又坏了 邮局 Horizo​​n IT 调查正在接受 萨姆·斯坦因 KC。听起来,当她说完“我喜欢邮局”之后,房间里可能会传来一阵喧闹声。沉默了很久,她似乎在抽泣。

萨姆·斯坦因 KC 列出了一大堆事情 保拉·文内尔斯 她同意她在 2013 年中期就知道了这些事情,包括 Horizo​​n 中存在漏洞、Second Sight 报告的存在、Gareth Jenkins 被认为是不可靠的、安全主管干涉了有关 Horizo​​n 的记录保存(“粉碎”备忘录)、JFSA 的存在、邮政分局局长直接写信给她、 邮局 进行了自己的起诉等等。

他对她说,这对她对 Horizo​​n 系统的看法来说一定是“世界性的”。斯坦说:

这是一整套颠覆 Horizo​​n 信念的事实,是对支持邮局的最基本系统的直接攻击。到 2013 年底,所有这些事实接踵而至,砰砰砰,攻击着 Horizo​​n 系统。您可能毫不怀疑,Horizo​​n 系统需要调查、需要询问、需要深入调查和审查。您同意吗?


我希望我们能做到这一点。我绝对希望我们能做到这一点。我仍然对 Horizo​​n 系统充满信心,因为调查人员听说,该系统对大多数人都有效。我当时没有今天所掌握的细节。如果我当时掌握了这些细节,我的看法就会大不相同。



萨姆·斯坦因 KC最初的问题是,长期以来试图获得 邮局 进入财务稳定的状态。“这很大程度上就是你获得 CBE 勋章的原因,因为你领导邮局实现了商业可行性转型,不是吗?”他问道 保拉·文内尔斯

椅子 温·威廉姆斯 再次介入,试图降低交流的气氛。“我不希望证人在回答问题时被人问话,我也不希望证人在你提问时回答问题。我们再试一次吧。”

调查已重启, 萨姆·斯坦因 KC 提出问题。他开始说 保拉·文内尔斯 拖拽 邮局 对邮政分局局长及其家人生活残骸的盈利能力。

调查现已开始,并将于 11:10 恢复进行。 萨姆·斯坦因 KC 安排提问。视频直播有三分钟延迟。

爱德华·亨利 KC 现在开车的速度是多少 保拉·文内尔斯 了解富士通专家证人 加雷思·詹金斯


您需要了解哪些法律知识,Vennells 女士,如果一个不安全的证人没有讲述有关 Horizo​​n 诚信的全部情况,从而提供了针对某人的虚假证词或虚假证据,您需要了解哪些法律知识,以便我们可以告诉她的律师。

他暗示,她的证人证词是“捏造的”,她说她从走廊上与同事的谈话中得知了詹金斯的情况,但谈话内容没有记录在案,她必须得到法律团队的充分介绍。她否认了这一点。在过去两天里,文内尔斯指责高级同事,尤其是包括 邮局 当时的总法律顾问 苏珊·克莱顿,向她隐瞒重要的法律建议。

首席律师 杰森·比尔 KC 过去两天对 Vennells 提出了批评,称她对未经记录的走廊对话的调查记忆犹新,这些对话让她看起来更好,但无法回忆起关键文件或关键会议。

Vennells 承认在 2013 年将有关 Horizo​​n 系统的描述从皇家邮政私有化招股说明书中删除

爱德华·亨利 KC 目前正在从政治角度来看待这起丑闻。Second Sight 的中期报告揭露了 Horizo​​n 的一些漏洞,该报告于 2013 年 7 月发布,当时联合政府正处于 皇家邮政计划上市

虽然 邮局 和皇家邮政当时已经分离,但在公众心目中,它们仍然有着内在的联系,亨利表示,如果 Horizo​​n 的问题被曝光,那将是一场政治噩梦,而富士通的加雷思·詹金斯现在被认为是不可靠的证人,这会危及起诉,而此时皇家邮政股份的出售正在进行中。






这是最后一刻。我根本没有参与招股说明书。我不记得这是怎么发生的。有人告诉我,在皇家邮政招股说明书的 IT 部分提到了与 Horizo​​n It 系统相关的风险,我现在记不清具体是什么词了。

似乎找错了地方。所以他们说 Horizo​​n 系统没有发现任何系统性问题。Horizo​​n 系统不再与皇家邮政集团有任何关系。所以我联系了公司秘书,说我不明白为什么会出现在这里,请问我们可以把它删除吗?

这句话被删除了。亨利指出,皇家邮政和邮政局在 2012 年分离之前不安全的定罪可能会成为新私有化的皇家邮政的负担。例如,2010 年备受瞩目的 Seema Misra 定罪案,詹金斯在该案中提供了证据。




椅子 温·威廉姆斯 介入说,这类质询对他来说完全是新事物,亨利和他的团队能否将所有相关文件通知首席律师,以便调查小组阅读。该调查于 2020 年 9 月以非法定形式成立,并于 2021 年 6 月转为法定调查。

爱德华·亨利 KC 正在质疑 保拉·文内尔斯 关于远程访问 Horizo​​n IT 系统的问题。他向她表示,在整个丑闻期间,她仍然没有决心以 CEO 的身份查明到底使用了多少外部访问权限。


Vennells 表示,“似乎干预行动相当频繁,正如 Beer 先生所说 [lead counsel] 昨天说的并没有被揭露。”


Paula Vennells 告诉 邮局 Horizo​​n IT 调查表示,调查业务已经成为她一年来的全职工作,因为她同意 Edward Henry KC 的观点,即她的垮台“不能怪任何人”,只能怪她自己。

这位前邮局首席执行官于 2019 年离职,他表示:








我是首席执行官,我没有为该计划的工作制定议程,也没有为该计划的法律和 IT 部分制定工作方式。我必须依靠那些专家同事,我没有理由不听取他们给我的建议。我承认我是首席执行官,正如我所说,作为首席执行官,你负有最终责任,这只是事实。

顺便说一句,如果你正在观看视频流,坐在前面的那个女人 爱德华·亨利 KC 在视野中的是前邮政分局局长 已经汉密尔顿

这位 66 岁的老人被错误地指控从 邮局 她当时负责汉普郡南沃恩伯勒的分行。为了避免因盗窃而被判入狱,她承认了虚假会计指控,并于 2006 年被起诉。

爱德华·亨利 KC 已经问过 保拉·文内尔斯 她是否知道 西玛·米斯拉 2010 年的案件,他将此描述为法庭上对 Horizo​​n 可靠性的“最高标准”。


多年来,她的定罪成为 Horizo​​n 诚信的证明,因为邮局将其视为一个测试案例。如果邮局在这次起诉中失败,它将打开民事诉讼和民事索赔的闸门。如果在吉尔福德的审判中失败,民事索赔将难以辩护。

Vennells 说,她认为自己当时听说过这件事,但在证人陈述中坚称,她不知道 邮局 直到 2012 年,该机构一直在进行自己的起诉,并且直到 2013 年中期才意识到 Horizo​​n 系统存在任何错误、失误或缺陷。

保拉·文内尔斯 告诉 Horizo​​n IT Inquiry,“没有任何言语”能够减轻“人们所经历的悲伤和痛苦”。这是一项极其复杂的任务, 邮局 我并不总是走在正确的道路上,这一点我非常清楚。”

椅子 温·威廉姆斯 之后进行了干预 爱德华·亨利 KC 中断 保拉·文内尔斯 这已经是第三次或第四次了。

主席说:“我很感激你 [Henry] 你们的任务很艰巨,证人的任务也很艰巨。所以我要求你们两个,一个人提出问题,另一个人完成答案。然后我们继续。”

爱德华·亨利 KC 说过 保拉·文内尔斯 她的证人陈述是一份“卑鄙的、自私的陈述”,并且“直到今天”她仍然生活在“否认的阴云之中”。

文内尔斯表示,她失去了所有的工作,现在基本上一直在全职工作以回应调查。“这是我的承诺,”她说。“我一直避免与媒体交谈——也许这对我自己不利——因为我一直把 [the inquiry] 第一的。”




爱德华·亨利 KC 已经问过 保拉·文内尔斯 关于 李·卡斯尔顿,被破产 邮局 作为该丑闻的早期受害者之一,她经过两年的法律斗争后,

亨利对文内尔斯说,卡斯尔顿“被排除在调解计划之外”,因为他是“一个可以作为先例的著名人物”。他对她说:“你没有发起任何调查,为什么 32,000 英镑的公共资金被用来打压他,把他碾得粉身碎骨。”


2024-05-24 10:22:54

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